You identified some immediate areas of concern that you were able to effectively address. You must present the final phase of your improvement plan to your staff and upper-level management. You will c

Healthcare Statistics

Project Analysis and Program Evaluation




To: All AKT Healthcare Staff and Management
From: Director of Quality Improvement
Date: TBD
Subject: Adoption of EBP in Improving Healthcare Quality

In our efforts to provide top-notch care and uphold accreditation standards. We have highlighted three important sectors that urgently require our attention. These fields present considerable dangers regarding patient performance and revenue stability for the organization. This memo details the present challenges and presents EBP methods to tackle them while also describing new policies that will be adopted right away.

First on our list is the delay in treatments experienced in the emergency room. Long delays in treatment give patients frustration and may lower the quality of their healthcare. Problems with prompt responses in the ER can produce negative health impacts since important cases could be neglected. This situation threatens AKT's accreditation goal since it breaks the rules on patient care quality. Long wait times financially strain the ER staff and decrease efficiency while raising operational expenses. In not resolving this problem now, we may endanger the hospital's reputation and shrink patient numbers, which will adversely influence our profits.

There is an ongoing problem with how we manage capacity. At present, resources like staff and equipment are ineffectively used, resulting in poor patient care. When resources get misused, patient care delays occur and satisfaction decreases. Insufficient resource utilization leads to costs that eventually harm the financial sustainability of AKT. Furthermore, if this persists, the hospital risks getting penalties for exceeding performance metrics in patient care and resource management (Fontalvo-Herrera et al., 2021).

The third matter relates to the frequent readmission of patients because they were discharged prematurely. If patients go home too soon, they commonly return to the hospital shortly, and this harms their wellbeing while raising readmission numbers. Readmission rates that exceed Medicare standards can sharply decrease earnings and harm the organization's potential and reputation. To ensure both accreditation and profit margins are stable, maintain a low readmission standard (Nair et al., 2020).

Understanding the importance of evidence-based practice is essential to tackling these challenges. EBP combines clinical knowledge with patient wishes and current research to guide health decisions. Focusing on reliable approaches helps EBP boost patient welfare, guarantee adherence to rules, and improve operational efficiency. Using EBP helps AKT to resolve these challenges by presenting tailored methods grounded in research rather than random practices.

To tackle the problem of prolonged wait times in the ER area, we will utilize different methods. To start, we will introduce a revamped triage method centered on the Manchester Triage System (MTS), focusing on patient urgency rather than their arrival time. This will optimize the journey of patients in the ER and shorten meaningless waiting periods. An exclusive service for those with minor injuries will be created. Evidence reveals that these services may decrease ER bottlenecks by 25%. In real-time, we will evaluate how patients flow and resources are utilized to guarantee efficient allocation.

We will implement a flexible staff scheduling method for managing capacity. Predicting patient demand helps us to distribute staff effectively when there is a need. According to studies, this technique limits idle time and staffing surplus by 20%, enhancing resource control (Yucesan et al., 2020). Additionally, we will use telemedicine for minor issues to ease stress on the ER. Studies show that telemedicine might decrease face-to-face consultations by 30%, which will lessen the burden on physical resources. Audits will occur each month to improve staffing and equipment distribution and eliminate excess waste and inefficiency.

To reduce the high readmission rates problem, we will establish thorough discharge planning protocols. This will involve informing patients about their care and ensuring medication is reconciled to avoid readmission by 15%. Patients will be called by nurses within 48 hours of their discharge in a newly initiated program. Findings show a 20% drop in readmissions due to this strategy (Yucesan et al., 2020). To guarantee that high-risk patients get correct care after leaving the hospital, we will create an improved care transition program. These initiatives are expected to markedly lessen the possibility of sudden discharges and their related dangerous repercussions.

By adopting these strategies, we will improve patient care and ensure the company’s financial soundness and accreditation. For effective implementation of these changes to succeed, everyone's cooperation is crucial. I appreciate your focus and dedication to enhancing AKT Healthcare.

Director of Quality Improvement



Fontalvo-Herrera, T., Delahoz-Dominguez, E., & Fontalvo, O. (2021). Methodology of classification, forecast and prediction of healthcare providers accredited in high quality in Colombia. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management33(1), 1-20.

Nair, R., Lak, H., Hasan, S., Gunasekaran, D., Babar, A., & Gopalakrishna, K. V. (2020). Reducing all-cause 30-day hospital readmissions for patients presenting with acute heart failure exacerbations: a quality improvement initiative. Cureus12(3)..

Yucesan, M., Gul, M., & Celik, E. (2020). A multi-method patient arrival forecasting outline for hospital emergency departments. International Journal of Healthcare Management.