1) Instructions DUE 2024/10/11 Assignment: Read the lessons for this week. Write a short paper discussing the different types of contingencies and contract planning. For this paper, you will need to f


Draft Abstract and Annotated Bibliography

Lesline Abonwoh

American Public University System


Abstract (Draft)

Joint Contingency Contracting plays a strategic role in military and government procurement, dealing with situations that may involve emergencies or instabilities. The management of contracts in these environments is crucial to support mission accomplishment and organizational performance. This paper explores how contract management impacts Joint Contingency Contracting, particularly emphasizing the central issues, including training, communication, and flexibility. Using representative practices and cases like the military actions of the United States, the paper demonstrates the significance of stakeholder engagement and modular contracting solutions. The results underscore the importance of increasing contracting officers' and other partners' awareness and expertise in reducing threats and achieving better outcomes in contingency operations. It, therefore, requires future research on new technologies and techniques for improving contract management in similar organizations.

Annotated Bibliography

Ali, F., & Haapasalo, H. (2023). Development levels of stakeholder relationships in collaborative projects: challenges and preconditions. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business16(8), 58-76.

This paper examines the management of stakeholder relations in project collaboration, the barriers to practical cooperation, and the conditions for effective partnership. The central concept of the article, namely communication and stakeholders’ coordination, is essential for Joint Contingency Contracting, where the proper cooperation between military officers and contractors plays a decisive role. The findings regarding the removal of communication breakdown and engagement of stakeholders provide helpful advice on enhancing contract management within contingencies.

Caldwell, N., & Howard, M. (2014). Contracting for complex performance in markets of few buyers and sellers: The case of military procurement. International Journal of Operations & Production Management34(2), 270-294.

Caldwell and Howard look at the specifics of contracting in situations where there are few buyers and sellers, for example, in military procurement. The article considers specific issues related to contract governance under these circumstances, stressing the importance of adaptive contracts. This research is relevant to Joint Contingency Contracting because it emphasizes the role of contract formation and management in achieving the desired mission objectives, especially in uncertain contexts.

Johnson, E., Paton, B., Threat, E., & Haptonstall, L. (2005). Joint contingency contracting. Acquisition Research Program.

The present work aims to assess the concept of Joint Contingency Contracting and determine the factors that impact its effectiveness in military operations. Koch and Smith stress the value of such contract characteristics as flexibility and the ability to respond quickly to emerging needs in contingency situations. The report's findings agree with the call for proper contract management to minimize risk exposures and enhance performance during operations; therefore, it serves as a primary source of this study.

McFall, T. G., & La, D. (2011). Mission and installation contracting command services acquisition: Empirical analysis of Army service contract management practices. Acquisition Research Program.

McFall and La present a case study of the Army to explain the relationship between contract management practices and mission performance. Some of the challenges highlighted in the survey include inadequate training of the contracting officers and poor stakeholder communication. These results thus suggest that training has to be enhanced for Joint Contingency Contracting and that communication has to be optimized in the context of rapidly fluid environments and pressure.

Morgan, E., Vickers, D., & Moore, A. (2010). Effective Training in Action: From Contracting to Evaluation. Consultancy and Advising in Forensic Practice: Empirical and Practical Guidelines, 183-202.

This chapter mainly focuses on training and professional development within contract management. Although its focus is primarily on forensic practice, the lessons on training are very much applicable in the context of Joint Contingency Contracting. The authors discourse that due to lack of adequate training, contracting officers may find it hard to deal with complicated contractual terms and conditions, thus resulting in mission setbacks or failure. This source supports the argument that constant training enhances military and emergency contract performance.