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Discussion board # 1 Small Business Management
Initial post: #1
at least 350 words.
Includes an open-ended, thought-provoking question posed to classmates.
Part I: Create one question that you think is significant in considering opening a small business. Include one resource that you could use to help you explore or answer the question.
Part II: Describe a managerial decision that you agreed with from both an effective and personal perspective and describe a managerial decision that you disagreed with from both an ineffective and personal perspective. Explain what made the decision effective and what made the decision ineffective. Describe any consequences to these two examples.
Initial post: #1
at least 350 words.
Includes an open-ended, thought-provoking question posed to classmates.
Part I: In what ways can shadow IT create value for the organization? In what ways can shadow IT create risk for the organization? What are the two overarching principles for governing shadow IT? What new skills will IT need to work more effectively with shadow IT?