Using Nike from the previous assessments, create an outline (an outline is not 5 bullets) in which you: Select and identify at least 5 marketing communication channels that could be used to reach sele



MKT 574

University of Phoenix

Date: October 14, 2024

Prof. Ismael Hau

Part B: Marketing Data Analysis Internal Data


What it Measures


Potential Usage

Sales Data

Measures sales performance, buying patterns, and geographic demand

Number of sold product units, monthly sales for each region, and top-selling items.

Used in adjusting prices for each region, manage the inventory of high-demand products, and to enhance marketing efforts.

Customer Data

Measures customer behavior, behavior, and loyalty.

Customer purchase history, data on Nike Plus membership, and browsing behavior.

To formulate personalized marketing campaigns, segment customers based on their purchase behavior,

Marketing Data

Measures how effective marketing campaigns are and how engaging they are.

Click-through rates, cost per click, and social media engagement metrics.

Determine how to allocate marketing budget, to plan for future campaigning content, and to adjust partnerships.

Product Data

Measures product development, product performance, and how much it has been accepted in the market.

Timeline for developing products,

Determining cost of production, and to adjust underperforming products.

Sales data enables Nike to assess the number of monthly sales and which products are being purchased in each geographical region. This enables the company to supply enough products to the region to meet the demand (Gu, 2022). At the same time, it helps the company to determine the highest selling products which helps in adjusting its production strategy. Customer data is key in determining the most appropriate marketing strategy that should be used to expand the market size. It also helps the company to point out on the most effective marketing platform that will enable the company to reach out to a wide population. Marketing data enables the marketing team to determine how effective marketing methods are. If need be, appropriate marketing adjustments can be done to ensure that they are all effective. Product data is key as it enables the company to maximize on product profit through regulating production cost. It also enables Nike to make any necessary adjustments on the product to increase its marketability.

Primary Data


What it Measures


Potential Usage


Measures customer satisfaction, their preference, and buying behavior.

Customer satisfaction rating, customer suggestions, and brand loyalty score.

Determine areas of product improvement, making adjustment on loyalty programs, and to improve branding strategies.

Focus groups

Measures customer opinion on products and their emotional responses on the products.

Information of style preference, reaction to new products, and how comfortable they are with new products.

Improve product design based on customer feedback and to refine marketing message.

Customer interviews

Measures customer experience and issues related to some products.

Direct feedback about a product example the level of comfort.

Used to address specific issues which are brought up by clients and in developing new products.

Survey is an important data source as it can be used to collect data from a large number of customers. Customers can express their satisfaction rate through the survey as well as giving vital information on how products should be improved (Zheng, 2022). Through focus groups, Nike acquires more information on its products and what should be improved to suit customer needs. Customer interviews also give information on some of the problems that the customer is experiencing while using Nike products. The information can also be used to correct specific problems that have been highlighted by clients which enhances comfort.

Secondary Data


What it Measures


Potential Usage

Industry Reports

Measures Market growth rate, customer behavior, and how competitive the market is.

The global sportswear market size, top customer segments, and expected growth rate.

Identify growth opportunities, adjust the current marketing strategies, and compare Nike’s performance with its competitors.

Government and economic data

Measures population dynamics, disposable income, and employment data.

Average customer income levels, population growth for each region, and consumer spending patterns.

Focus on marketing in specific regions, adjust product prices, and to determine gaps which Nike can take advantage of.

Trade publications

Measures key trends, industry events, and gives news of new product releases.

Announcement of new collaborations, coverage of new fashion trends, and emerging businesses.

Gives up to date information on market trends and to use the information to develop new products based on emerging trends.

Industry reports points out on the performance of the market and its competitiveness. Nike uses the report to make adjustments on its products to maximize on its market size. The data is also key when it comes to segmenting customers based on their purchase behavior. Market segmentation determines the 4Ps of Nikes products (Kim, 2020). Government data is also important as it determines the market size of each region. An example is for a case where there is a high employment rate and high disposable income. People in such a region are likely to have a high purchasing power therefore Nike can increase its marketing campaign in the region (Champaneri & Jain 2021). Trade publications also give market trends which enables Nike to align its products based on the market needs. The trends can also be used to determine the nature of future products.

Customer Relationship Management

CRM Touchpoint

Purpose & CRM Objective


Potential Data Usage

Nike-Plus membership program

To build a brand loyalty, give customers a personalized experience, and to continuously engage with the customers.

Member profile data example their age, location, and preference. Their workout activity and purchase history is also indicated.

Gives customers recommendations on personalized products, gives early access to new products, and sends emails to customers based on their preference.

Nike App

Enhancing customer engagement, build direct connection and increase sales for each product.

Clients’ workout data, app usage, and purchase history.

To send personalized fitness programs and gears which suits the programs, to offer promotions, and sending customers reminders.

Email marketing

Regularly communicating with clients, promote new products, and promote brand loyalty.

Click through rates, Open rates, and purchase history.

Segment customers based on preference when it comes to sending emails, optimize future campaigns, and reminding customers to complete payments.

Nike-Plus membership programs helps the company to continuously engage with its clients therefore building customer loyalty. It also uses it to advertise new products to loyal clients through emails which are more cost effective compared to other marketing strategies (Saini et al., 2022). Nike App also helps the company to monitor its clients’ fitness programs and advertise products which best suits each program. The company also uses email marketing to segment its customers based on the products which they purchase frequently. By assessing customers’ purchase history, Nike can also develop an effective marketing strategy.


Champaneri, A., & Jain, P. (2021). A content marketing as the leading technique in digital marketing: A case of Nike. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews8(4).

Gu, H. (2022). The Sport Industry Study with the Example of Nike and Anta. BCP Business & Management34, 1.

Kim, M. (2020). How Phil Knight made Nike a leader in the sport industry: Examining the success factors. Sport in Society23(9), 1512-1523.

Saini, M., Saravanan, D., Kutty, N. M., & Agrawal, R. (2022). Brand Influencing Customers Buying Behaviors: A Case Study on Nike. ECS Transactions107(1), 5597.

Zheng, K. (2022). The analysis of Nike’s marketing strategy from social media and consumer psychology & behavior. BCP Business & Management34, 436-442.