Assignment due tomorrow

Investigation of Microbial Diseases Paper

  • Due Sunday by 11:59pm

  • Points 50

  • Submitting a file upload

This “Investigation of Microbial Diseases” will be a multi-week project. You will investigate one disease from each of the six chapters listed below. This means you will write about six different diseases.

In accordance with the Academic Integrity Policy and the Plagiarism Policy, this project will be checked for plagiarism using Turnitin SimCheck. Read the How to Submit a Turnitin/SimCheck Assignment document for more information.


Chapters 21-26 in your eText contain valuable information on important microbial diseases associated with the following human body system:

• Skin and Eyes (Ch. 21)
• Nervous System (Ch. 22)
• Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems (Ch. 23)
• Respiratory System (Ch. 24)
• Digestive System (Ch. 25)
• Urinary and Reproductive Systems (Ch. 26) 

Read each chapter and then pick one microbial disease from each chapter and write a 2 page synopsis of the disease using the following criteria:

  • What is the name of the disease?

  • Are there any other names used?

  • What areas of the body are typically infected and what are the common characteristics of those organs?

  • Describe the symptoms.

  • What other bacteria or viruses are associated with the disease?

  • Describe the common modes of infections.

  • Describe the pathogenicity of the microbes involved in the disease.

  • Describe the treatments for the disease.

  • What is the fatality rate?

  •  Describe the history of this disease throughout history.

  • What other diseases are associated with this disease?

  • Include at least 2 pictures of the disease.

Paper Formatting Information

  • Font – Times New Roman 

  • Font Size – 12 point 

  • Font Color – Black 

  • Paragraph – double spaced 

  • Margins – 1 inch top, bottom, left, and right 


This paper is worth 50 points. See the grading rubric associated with this assignment for more detail on the criteria and the possible points.


Investigation of Microbial Disease Paper Rubric

Investigation of Microbial Disease Paper Rubric




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent #1

2 pts

Full Marks

The written work will describe fully these following themes: What is the name of the disease? Are there any other names used? What areas of the body are typically infected and what are the common characteristics of those organs? Describe the symptoms. What other bacteria or viruses are associated with the disease?

0 pts

No Marks

The written work did not adequately support all of these themes. Some may have been supported but all were not included. The questions not answered or partially answered were: What is the name of the disease? Are there any other names used? What areas of the body are typically infected and what are the common characteristics of those organs? Describe the symptoms. What other bacteria or viruses are associated with the disease?

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent #2

2 pts

Full Marks

The written work will describe fully these following themes: Describe the common modes of infections. Describe the pathogenicity of the microbes involved in the disease. Describe the treatments for the disease.What is the fatality rate?

0 pts

No Marks

The written work did not adequately support all of these themes. Some may have been supported but all were not included. The questions not answered or partially answered were: Describe the common modes of infections. Describe the pathogenicity of the microbes involved in the disease. Describe the treatments for the disease.What is the fatality rate?

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent #3

2 pts

Full Marks

The written work will describe fully these following themes: Describe the history of this disease throughout history. What other diseases are associated with this disease? Include at least 2 pictures of the disease.

0 pts

No Marks

The written work did not adequately support all of these themes. Some may have been supported but all were not included. The questions not answered or partially answered were: Describe the history of this disease throughout history. What other diseases are associated with this disease? Include at least 2 pictures of the disease.

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization

4 pts

Full Marks

The written work was organized and contained an introduction, body, and conclusion with reference page in order of sources of information. Student used APA format.

0 pts

No Marks

The written work does not contain all the main parts of the written work.

4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMain Ideas

10 pts

Full Marks

The written work was focused, organized, and content on topic and express good points that support the main idea most of the time.

5 pts


The writer’s decisions about focus, organization, style, and content sometimes interfere with the purpose of the writing.

0 pts

No Marks

The main idea was not clear and the writer went off topic.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDevelopment of Thoughts

5 pts

Full Marks

The written work had original thoughts and ideas that were paraphrased from valid sources. The written did a good job at attempting to create an understandable sequence of ideas that explores topics effectively. Also, supports points fully using a key scientific evidence.

0 pts

No Marks

The written work was not well developed. Presents ideas in general terms. Inconsistent in the ability to support for ideas using valid sources.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFlow of Ideas Within the Body

5 pts

Full Marks

Develops ideas appropriately and clearly. There is a logical flow in the sentence/paragraph structure with is effective in telling the story. The writer uses a clear Introduction and Conclusion to tie up the paper.

0 pts

No Marks

Does not develop on topic ideas and incoherent. Written work is not substantive, unclear, and unorganized. There is a lack of flow with thoughts.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStyle (Clarity & Conciseness)

5 pts

Full Marks

The student used APA style of writing and included in-text and out of body citations. Appropriate header used for cover page with Reference Page at the end and numbering. The synopses will be no shorter than 2 pages per disease (minimum of 12 pages) with a reference page. Also, please use the following specifications for the paper: Font – Times New Roman Size – 12 point Color – Black Paragraph – double spaced Margins – 1 inch top, bottom, left, and right

0 pts

No Marks

The written work did not use APA formatting. Another formatting was used. Student did not adhere to length of paper with minimum of 12 pages, Font, Size, Color, spacing and margin.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLanguage & Punctuation

5 pts

Full Marks

The written work incorporates appropriate language with correct punctuation. Does not use direct quotes from sources and paraphrases appropriately.

0 pts

No Marks

The written work has multiple language that has not been appropriately edited for correct application and/or inappropriate usage o fpunctuation. Direct quotes may have been used. Student may be using emoticons or other language not appropriate for professional written work such as, but not limited to, LOL, … !!! and others.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpelling & Grammar

3 pts

Full Marks

The writing is essentially error free in terms of spelling and grammar.

1 pts


There are frequent errors in spelling and grammar.

0 pts

No Marks

Writing contains numerous errors in spelling and grammar which interfere with comprehension.

3 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Style Guide Formatting Using APA

2 pts

Full Marks

Uses appropriate APA citations in-text and in the reference section.

0 pts

No Marks

Does not use APA formatting appropriately including, in-text and references. Can add content without properly citing sources. Uses invalid sources to create written work such as online encyclopedias, blogs, other invalid sources.

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSource Citations

5 pts

Full Marks

Uses a minimum of two valid sources of information. Does not use online dictionaries, encyclopedias, Wikipedia, online blogs or any other invalid sources of online information.

0 pts

No Marks

Does not use a minimum of three valid sources to create their work.

5 pts

Total Points: 50