The objective of this task is to demonstrate your understanding of key organisational behaviour concepts by applying them to a real-world business case. Using a business case you are required to ident


The objective of this task is to demonstrate your understanding of key organisational behaviour concepts by applying them to a real-world business case.

Using a business case you are required to identify the symptoms of the main business problem and review relevant academic literature to explore what previous research has revealed about similar issues. You will analyse the situation using relevant organisational behaviour concepts (listed below) and academic literature to propose evidence-based strategies to address the main problem.

Through this task, you will showcase your ability to critically analyse and reflect on how prior research can inform the understanding and possible resolution of the business problem.

By completing this task, you will demonstrate your ability to apply organisational behaviour concepts to practical organisational challenges, conduct problem diagnosis, and formulate actionable recommendations based on academic research.

Note. This task will link to Task 2 where you will overview the same business case and apply the Code of Practice on managing psychosocial hazards at work (Section 274 of the Work Health and Safety Act).

Important Information:

Note: as the due date falls on a weekend IT support and the course coordinator will not be able to help with any issues until the next business day. Email the course coordinator if any issues arise and detail what has happened.

Weighting: 50%

Length/Duration: 2,500 words (+/- 10%)

Submission: Via Canvas – navigate to Assignments, click the assignment name, click the start assignment button, and upload the file.

Notes for completing the task:

You are allowed to find your own business case to complete this task (please get approval from your tutor), for example you could use your current/past workplace just ensure it links to the OB concepts mentioned below. Or you can choose one of the provided business cases listed under Resources in the Task One Area.

A report template has been provided in a word document it is highly recommended that you use this template. Check the marking rubric to make sure you understand what each section requires.

Report structure:

1. Introduction: Overview of the Business and Situation

Provide a brief description of the business under consideration, including relevant background information and the current situation it faces.

Outline the potential symptoms of the main problem observed in the business. Use references to academic literature to support your identification of these symptoms.

Summarise the key points concerning the selected topic using academic journal articles. Explain why these issues and the main problem are important, citing relevant academic literature to establish their significance in the context of organisational behaviour.

2. Analysis of the business case:

The report should explore the current literature concerning the course concepts and discuss strategies that can help the business.

Choose one of the following OB course concepts to apply to your business case:

  1. Personality and leadership

  2. Employee engagement (attitudes) and Job stress

2.1 Problem diagnosis

Outline the symptoms of the main problem in the business case. Map these symptoms to the relevant concepts and findings in the academic literature. Overview the literature concerning the main problem. Explain why these are issues in the given context, supporting your explanation with scholarly sources.

2.2 Recommendation for the main problem:

Propose specific recommendations to address the main problem. Link each recommendation (maximum of 3) to findings and theories from academic literature, demonstrating how they can effectively alleviate the identified issues.

3. Conclusion:

Summarise the main points of your analysis, highlighting how organisational behaviour concepts have been applied to understand and address the business problem. Highlight the benefits of addressing the main problem effectively.

Reference list:

Each section of this report should have several references to academic journal articles. Remember to include a reference anytime you paraphrase information.

Report Formatting:

Remember your total word count is 2,500 words (+/- 10%). The word count includes headings and in-sentence citations/references. The word count does not include the title page, table of contents (if you choose to have one), or the reference list. 

Fonts should be legible such as Calibri, Arial, Times new roman, or Aptos. Please use size 12 and 1.15 spacing. 

Note on the use of AI:

You can use AI to generate ideas and help you understand the topic. There are also some great AI literature searching tools, like which can help you find academic journal articles.

You cannot use AI to write the task or write any elements of the report. Be careful when using tools like Grammarly as this can rewrite sentences and will flag in Turnitin as AI.

If a high AI/plagiarism score is identified by Turnitin you will lose marks across each criterion. See the Marking Rubric document for more information concerning each criterion.

If you are using AI tools, please learn what they can and cannot do, then use them critically. Note that AI tools can generate incorrect or misleading results so make sure you use them with care and critical judgement. 


Can I choose my own OB concepts?

  • No, the set concepts listed above have been researched to ensure that there are recent academic journal articles.

What is an academic journal article?

  • An academic journal article is a peer-reviewed publication that presents original research findings within a specific academic discipline. These articles typically follow a standardised format and are written by scholars or researchers with expertise in the field. They serve as a means of disseminating new knowledge, contributing to scholarly conversations, and advancing the understanding of a particular subject area.

Does the word count include citations in sentences?

  • The in-sentence references (AKA in-text citations) are included in the word count.

There is more than one problem in the business case should I cover all of them?

No, it is best to narrow to one core problem and overview the associated symptoms.

How do I identify the business problem and its symptoms, while applying the OB concepts?

To identify a core business problem, begin by thoroughly reviewing the organisation’s current situation. Look for areas where performance or employee well-being is noticeably affected, such as declining productivity, high turnover, or low job satisfaction. From these observations, identify the most significant issue that underpins these challenges. The core problem should be central to the business’s functioning and impactful enough to warrant a detailed analysis. Avoid covering multiple problems—focus on one that has clear, identifiable symptoms and links to the OB concepts.

Once the core problem is identified, the next step is to pinpoint its symptoms—the observable consequences of the problem. For instance, if you choose to focus on personality and leadership, symptoms could include low employee morale or poor communication between leaders and teams. Alternatively, if the focus is on employee engagement and job stress, symptoms might involve increased absenteeism or heightened workplace conflict.

When identifying symptoms, aim to highlight a few key issues that clearly illustrate the problem. Each symptom should then be reviewed in relation to academic literature, providing an academic basis for understanding why the problem manifests in this way. Use established research to explain the link between the symptoms and the core problem, offering clarity and depth to your analysis.

Finally, connect these symptoms to your recommendations. Your proposed solutions should be supported by academic literature and directly address the symptoms you have highlighted. This approach ensures that your analysis is focused, well-supported, and logically linked to practical solutions.

Who am I writing the report for?

Remember that your audience is the business. You are writing for the CEO/owner and other employees of the company they might not have the same level of knowledge so it is a good idea to define any concepts you mention with reference to academic literature. This will also demonstrate your knowledge concerning the OB concepts.

How should paragraphs be constructed?

A part of academic writing is learning how to write using paragraph structure. Check these great resources to understand how to write academically:

  • You can book a one-to-one free appointment with an academic adviser who can help you learn any academic skill and offer advice for any assessment

  • Check out the academic skills writing resources in the student portal

How many journal articles are we expected to cite and summarize? 

  • There is no exact answer for this question. Someone could have 20 references but not integrate them well compared to someone who had 10 but used them well. You definitely want more than 8 see below for how to cite several references in one sentence.

How do I reference multiple citations in one sentence?

You can cite multiple journal articles in a single reference if they are describing the same topic or are in agreement. 

  • APA referencing example:

    • Research has shown that work stress results as an imbalance of job demands and job resources (Bakker & Demerouti, 2007; Bakker & Demerouti, 2017; Lesener, Gusy, & Wolter, 2019).

    • This shows the three references all describe the Job Demand-Resource theory. The references are in one bracket with a semi-colon to separate each reference (Author, year; Author & Author, year; Author, year).

I noticed that there are several attempts to submit the task why is that?

  • As mentioned in this document your assignment is submitted to Turnitin through Canvas.

  • Turnitin is a plagiarism and AI checker - you have been given a few attempts so if you submit early, you can get your Turnitin report and correct any errors in referencing and paraphrasing.

  • We will mark the most recent submission.

Marking Criteria:

MGT702 Task One - Marking Criteria


High Distinction









(49% or less)

Introduction section

(10 marks)

Insightfully uses highly appropriate content to compellingly develop and articulate arguments.

Skilful use of highly credible and relevant academic sources to rigorously underpin the introduction to the business, topic, symptoms and main problem.


Uses highly appropriate, content to compellingly develop and articulate arguments. Consistently uses relevant and credible academic sources to support arguments. Introduces the business, topic, symptoms, and main problem. Although this might have needed further support/development.

Uses appropriate content to present relevant arguments and connect ideas. Uses relevant discipline-based sources to introduce the business, the topic, symptoms and problem. Although this might have needed further support/ development. Some of the elements

might not link appropriately or might be missing a main symptom or not link to the literature as well as it could have.

Basic information is presented and applied to introduce the topic. The business has been mentioned. The symptoms of the problem have been identified but this might be lacking in information. More sources of academic literature (journal articles) were needed to support statements, introduce the topic, and/ or explain the symptoms of the main business problem. Alternatively, too many main problems were presented making the section disconnected/ muddled.

Uses little to no appropriate and relevant content to develop ideas. Uses little to no sources /evidence to support ideas. The introduction has no reference to academic literature (journal articles). The business, topic, symptoms, and main problem are not introduced. The section is missing. The section has bullet points instead of paragraphs. The section has a high AI score or plagiarism score.

Analysis of business case

(15 marks)

Insightful and discerning critical analysis and discussion of the sources. The literature is very well integrated to show how previous empirical work (journal articles) and the concepts relate to the business issues and main problem. The literature is well referenced throughout. The structure relates to the presented symptoms and problems. The concepts are overviewed in detail with each element explained. The issues of the business are explained by using the concepts and this is well integrated.

Comprehensive and well-developed critical analysis of the sources. Overviews academic research and introduces the concepts to explain the business symptoms and problem. Thorough and clear discussion, demonstrating strong understanding of the sources. Empirical research is presented that explains the majority of the business issues. The literature is fairly well referenced throughout. The concepts are well overviewed but there might be some instances where this needed more development.

Adequate and competent analysis of the sources, though with less depth or insight. The overview of academic research introduces the concepts to explain the business symptoms and problem. Basic but clear discussion, reflecting a reasonable understanding of the sources. The research reviewed might be lacking or disjointed. Introduces the concepts to explain the problems with some references to the literature. However, the explanation concerning how the materials help the business symptoms/ problem was lacking and needed more explanation. Reasonable and appropriate analysis, with room for further development of critical thinking. Overall, the section might have been lacking in some detail and/or have been too long. There may have been a disconnect between the introduction and this section, e.g. missing explanation of symptoms.

Sound explanation of academic scholarly concepts. Basic analysis and discussion of the sources, with minimal critical insight. The literature overviews empirical research and introduces the concepts to explain the business symptoms and problem. Some attempt to show what the literature says about the issues, but references are lacking, or the writing is disjointed. Limited critical analysis, showing a general understanding but lacking depth or clarity. Some attempt at introducing the concepts to explain the issues but this needed further development. Adequate but superficial analysis, demonstrating only a basic grasp of the key sources.

The references used are not predominantly academic research journal articles (for example news articles, trade publications, or business reports).

Demonstrates limited understanding of the problem identification and linking to academic concepts and literature. This section is missing. Does not show what the literature says about issues. Does not introduce concepts to explain the issues or uses the wrong concepts. This section was excessively long or far too short. Bullet points have been used instead of paragraphs. The section has a high AI score or plagiarism score.

Recommendations (15 marks)


Insightful use of academic literature to suggest recommendations to resolve the symptoms and main problem. Skilful use of highly credible and relevant sources to rigorously underpin the justification of the proposed solutions. The section links seamlessly from the introduction to the analysis of the business case, demonstrating a deep understanding of the issues.


Comprehensive use of academic literature to suggest recommendations addressing the symptoms and main problem. Effective use of credible and relevant sources to strongly support the justification of the proposed solutions. While comprehensive, the recommendations may lack some details or there may have been too many suggestions. The section links clearly from the introduction to the analysis of the business case, showing a solid understanding of the connections between sections.


Competent use of academic literature to suggest recommendations for the symptoms and main problem. Use of relevant sources to support the justification of the proposed solutions. Recommendations are appropriate but may be somewhat general and not applied to the case. There might be too many recommendations that do not adequately link to the business symptoms and main problem. The section generally links from the introduction to the analysis of the business case, though some connections may be less explicit or developed.


Basic use of academic literature to suggest recommendations related to the symptoms and main problem. Limited use of sources to justify the proposed solutions, with minimal integration of literature. Justification of proposed solutions is minimally supported by sources. Recommendations may be vague or not directly related to the main problem. The section attempts to link from the introduction to the analysis of the business case but may lack clarity or coherence, resulting in a somewhat disjointed narrative.


Minimal or no use of academic literature in suggesting recommendations. Insufficient or inappropriate sources used to justify the proposed solutions, or reliance on non-credible references. The section lacks clear links from the introduction to the analysis of the business case, leading to a disconnected or irrelevant discussion that does not address the main problem effectively. Bullet points have been used instead of paragraphs. The section has a high AI score or plagiarism score.


(5 marks)


Presents an insightful and comprehensive summary of the main points of the analysis, effectively synthesizing how organisational behaviour concepts have been applied to understand and address the business problem. It skilfully emphasizes the benefits of addressing the main problem effectively, demonstrating a deep understanding of the implications for the business. Highly credible and relevant academic sources to rigorously support the summary and reinforce the importance of the recommendations. The conclusion links seamlessly with the introduction, analysis, and recommendation sections, providing a coherent and logical closure to the report.


Provides a clear and thorough summary of the main points of the analysis, effectively discussing how organisational behaviour concepts have been applied to understand and address the business problem. The benefits of addressing the main problem effectively are clearly highlighted, showing a solid grasp of their significance for the business. Credible and relevant academic sources are used to support the summary and conclusions, enhancing the overall argument. The conclusion connects well with previous sections, maintaining a logical flow and demonstrating good cohesion throughout the report. Some more development of the justifications or benefits to the business was needed.


Offers a satisfactory summary of the main points of the analysis, mentioning how organisational behaviour concepts have been applied, though it may lack depth or specificity. It highlights the benefits of addressing the main problem but may not fully explore their significance or implications. Some relevant academic sources are used, but the integration of literature may be superficial or limited, reducing the strength of the conclusions drawn. The conclusion generally connects with previous sections, but transitions may be less smooth, and the overall coherence could be improved.


Provides a basic summary of the analysis, possibly omitting key points or details. Organisational behaviour concepts are briefly mentioned with limited application to the business problem, indicating a basic level of understanding. The benefits of addressing the main problem are mentioned but lack detail, clarity, or critical reflection. Minimal use of academic sources is evident, and reliance may be placed on non-academic references or unsupported assertions. The conclusion may appear disjointed or lack logical flow from the analysis, affecting the coherence of the report.


The conclusion fails to provide a summary of the main points of the analysis and does not demonstrate how organisational behaviour concepts have been applied to understand and address the business problem. Uses little to no appropriate and relevant content to conclude the report. The section uses bullet points or is missing. The section has a high AI score or plagiarism score.

Professional Writing

(5 marks)

Coherent and fluent
Tactfully uses structure to enhance expression. Creates a cohesive and consistent report evidencing attention to detail. Uses professional academic language that skilfully communicates meaning with clarity and fluency. Communication is coherent, structured, and refined. Minimal errors in spelling, grammar and referencing.

Sequenced and coherent Tactfully uses structure to present ideas. Words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs are arranged to create a well-structured report. Uses coherent language that skilfully communicates meaning. Communication is coherent, structured, and polished. Minor errors in spelling, grammar and referencing.

Structured and sequenced

Uses a sequenced report to form ideas. The narrative flows and is easy to follow. Uses language that conveys meaning with some clarity. Communication is coherent and structured. Some errors in spelling, grammar and referencing.


The structure and presentation of the report meet minimum standards – topic sentences, body paragraphs, introduction and conclusion are orderly and distinguishable. Uses language that generally conveys meaning. Communication is clear and structured. Several errors in grammar, spelling, and/or referencing.

Unstructured and disconnected

No structure is evident or the structure is chaotic and does not promote understanding. Communication is disrupted by imperfections. Multiple errors in spelling, grammar, and referencing. The report has a high plagiarism or AI score.