The objective of this task is to demonstrate your understanding of key organisational behaviour concepts by applying them to a real-world business case. Using a business case you are required to ident

Task Two Outline

Objective: For Task 2, you are required to create a video presentation (5-7 minutes). You will expand on your work in Task 1, where you used Organisational Behaviour (OB) concepts to identify the symptoms of a problem within a business case and provided recommendations. In this task, you will apply the Code of Practice for Managing Psychosocial Hazards at Work and the Job Demand-Resource (JD-R) Theory to further analyse the business case. Your goal is to demonstrate how these frameworks can address the psychosocial risks identified in the case. Important Information:

Weighting: 50%

Length/Duration: 6-7 minutes (+/- 10%)

Presentation structure:

1. Introduction: Overview of the Business and Situation – estimated duration 1-1.5 minutes:

Provide a brief recap of the business case from Task 1. Reiterate the symptoms and main problem identified in the case. Use references to academic literature to support your analysis of the symptoms and problem.

2. Overview of the Code of Practice for Managing Psychosocial Hazards at Work – estimated duration 1-1.5 minutes:

Present a concise overview of the key elements of the Code of Practice. Explain the role of the code in identifying and managing common psychosocial risks, such as job demands, low job control, and poor support etc. Highlight the practical implications of the code for addressing risks in organisational contexts.

3. Overview of Job Demand-Resource Theory - estimated duration 1-1.5 minutes:

Introduce JD-R theory by explaining its core components, e.g. job demands and job resources, the dual process model, etc. Use references to academic literature to help explain the main tenants of the theory.

4. Linking the business case to the code of practice and JD-R theory – estimated duration 2 minutes:

Explain how the Code of Practice and JD-R theory provides practical strategies for managing these risks in the business context. Use both the JD-R model and the Code of Practice to propose solutions for balancing job demands with appropriate resources with reference to academic literature.

Analyse the psychosocial risks (e.g., high job demands, low support, low job control) present in the business case. Show how the Code of Practice addresses these risks through practical strategies. Integrate the JD-R Theory by explaining how to mitigate the effects of high job demands and promote employee well-being.

Provide recommendations based on both the Code of Practice and the JD-R Theory for addressing the main problem in the business.

5. Conclusion – estimated duration 30 seconds -1 minute

Summarise how the combined use of the Code of Practice and JD-R Theory offers practical and theoretical solutions to manage psychosocial risks in the business case. Reaffirm the recommendations and emphasise their benefits for improving individual/workplace outcomes.

6. Reference slides – estimated duration 30 seconds

Ensure you include slides of references. Remember to include a reference anytime you paraphrase information.

Note on the use of AI:

You can use AI to generate ideas and help you understand the topic. There are also some great AI literature searching tools, like which can help you find academic journal articles.

You cannot use AI to write the presentation slides, script, or write any elements of the information you provide. Be careful when using tools like Grammarly as this can rewrite sentences and will flag in Turnitin as AI.

If a high AI/plagiarism score is identified by Turnitin you will lose marks across each criterion. See the Marking Rubric document for more information concerning each criterion.

If you are using AI tools, please learn what they can and cannot do, then use them critically. Note that AI tools can generate incorrect or misleading results so make sure you use them with care and critical judgement. 

Make sure to adhere to academic integrity guidelines and properly cite all sources used in your report.

Submission Guidelines:

Submit your presentation as PowerPoint slides and include a recorded MP4 video.

See these online guides for instructions:

  • How to record a slide show with narration and timings in Microsoft PowerPoint: Click Here

  • How to create a video using Microsoft PowerPoint: Click here

The notes section should contain your script this will help you when in presenting mode (note. this is not graded).


Remember to seek clarification from your tutor if you have any questions or need further guidance throughout the assessment task. Check the discussion board for FAQ’s.

Marking Criteria:

MGT702 Task One - Marking Criteria


High Distinction









(49% or less)

Introduction section

(2.5 marks)

Insightfully uses highly appropriate content to compellingly develop and articulate arguments.

Skilful use of highly credible and relevant academic sources to rigorously underpin the introduction to the business, topic, symptoms and main problem.


Uses highly appropriate, content to compellingly develop and articulate arguments. Consistently uses relevant and credible academic sources to support arguments. Introduces the business, topic, symptoms, and main problem. Although this might have needed further support/development.

Uses appropriate content to present relevant arguments and connect ideas. Uses relevant discipline-based sources to introduce the business, the topic, symptoms and problem. Although this might have needed further support/ development. Some of the elements

might not link appropriately or might be missing a main symptom or not link to the literature as well as it could have.

Basic information is presented and applied to introduce the topic. The business has been mentioned. The symptoms of the problem have been identified but this might be lacking in information. More sources of academic literature (journal articles) were needed to support statements, introduce the topic, and/ or explain the symptoms of the main business problem. Alternatively, too many main problems were presented making the section disconnected/ muddled.

Uses little to no appropriate and relevant content to develop ideas. Uses little to no sources /evidence to support ideas. The introduction has no reference to academic literature (journal articles). The business, topic, symptoms, and main problem are not introduced. The section is missing. The section has bullet points instead of paragraphs. The section has a high AI score or plagiarism score.

Overview of the code of practice

(10 marks)

Comprehensive and detailed overview of the Code of Practice, with clear relevance to managing psychosocial risks. Links to resources concerning the code have been well integrated. The review of the common psychosocial hazards is comprehensive.

Clear overview of the Code of Practice, with relevance to psychosocial risk management. Links to resources concerning the code have been provided but this could have been better integrated. The presentation reviewed the common psychosocial hazards but there might be some instances where this needed more development or narrowing.

Adequate explanation of the Code of Practice, though lacking some detail or depth. Links have been provided to resources concerning the code but this needed further integration.

The presentation reviewed the common psychosocial hazards but there might be some instances where this needed more development or narrowing. Overall, this section might have been lacking in some detail or have been too long.

Basic explanation of the Code of Practice, with minimal detail or clarity. The presentation reviewed the common psychosocial hazards but this information might not have had enough detail. Overall, this section might have been too short or have been too long.

Inadequate or missing overview of the Code of Practice, lacking clarity and relevance.

Demonstrates limited understanding of the code. This section is missing. The section has a high AI score or plagiarism score.

Overview of Job Demand-Resource Theory (JD-R)

(10 marks)

Demonstrates a deep understanding of JD-R Theory, clearly explaining job demands and resources and their role in the business context. Comprehensive overview of the main tenants of JD-R, such as demands/resources, dual process paths, buffering effects of resources etc. Links to academic literature concerning JD-R have been well integrated. The review of the tenants of JD-R is comprehensive and well-integrated.

Provides a strong overview of JD-R Theory, with clear explanations of job demands and resources and their role in the business context. Links to academic literature concerning JD-R have been provided but this could have been better integrated. The presentation reviewed the main tenants of JD-R but there might be some instances where this needed more development or narrowing to be relevant.

Adequate explanation of JD-R, though lacking some detail or depth. Academic literature concerning JD-R has been provided but this needed further integration.

The presentation reviewed the main tenants of JD-R but there might be some instances where this needed more development or narrowing. Overall, this section might have been lacking in some detail or have been too long.

Basic explanation of JD-R, with minimal detail or clarity. The presentation reviewed the main tenants of JD-R but more information was needed to demonstrate understanding of the theory. Overall, this section might have been too short or have been too long.

Inadequate or missing overview of JD-R, lacking clarity and relevance. Demonstrates limited understanding of JD-R. This section is missing. The section has a high AI score or plagiarism score.

Application to the business case (20 marks)


Insightfully applies both the Code of Practice and JD-R Theory to address the psychosocial risks in the business case. The analysis demonstrates a deep understanding of the issues by effectively linking theory to practice, with clear identification of relevant job demands and resources. Psychosocial risks are expertly connected to JD-R. The section integrates highly credible and relevant academic sources, and the application flows seamlessly from the introduction to the analysis, providing practical insights on how these frameworks can be used to improve the business scenario.


Effectively applies the Code of Practice and JD-R Theory to the business case demonstrating a strong understanding of the code and theory.

Credible academic literature has been used to justify the recommendations based on the Code and theory. The recommendations are comprehensive but may need more refinement or detail. The section links clearly from the introduction to the analysis.


Competently applies the Code of Practice and JD-R Theory to the business case, though the analysis may lack depth or clarity. Connections between the business case, theory, and practice are present but may be somewhat general. Relevant sources are used to support the analysis, but some integration could be stronger. The section generally connects to the introduction and analysis, though some areas may need more development.


Basic application of the Code of Practice and JD-R Theory is presented, with limited use of academic literature. The recommendations are present but may lack relevance or clarity. The section attempts to link theory to practice but lacks coherence, and the connection to the introduction and analysis is weak or disjointed. The analysis may be too general or underdeveloped.


Minimal or no application of the Code of Practice or JD-R Theory to the business case. There is little to no identification of relevant psychosocial risks, and the section lacks clarity or connection to the frameworks. The analysis may be missing or disconnected from the introduction and analysis. Little to no use of academic sources, and the section may demonstrate misunderstanding of the theories or frameworks. High plagiarism or AI scores may be evident.


(2.5 marks)


Presents an insightful and comprehensive summary of the analysis, clearly synthesising how the Code of Practice and JD-R Theory have been applied to the business case. The conclusion effectively ties together the introduction, analysis, and application sections, demonstrating a deep understanding of the frameworks and their relevance to the business case.


Provides a clear and thorough summary, discussing how the Code of Practice and JD-R Theory have been applied. The conclusion links well to previous sections, showing a solid understanding of the frameworks, though some elements may need further development.


Offers a satisfactory summary, mentioning how the code and theory were applied. However, the conclusion may lack depth or specificity. The conclusion generally connects to previous sections, but transitions may be less smooth or the coherence of the overall argument could be improved.


Provides a basic summary of the analysis, possibly omitting key points or details. The code and JD-R are briefly mentioned with limited application to the business problem, indicating a basic level of understanding. The conclusion lacks depth. The section may appear disjointed or disconnected from previous sections, reducing overall coherence.


The conclusion fails to provide a summary of the main points of the. Uses little to no appropriate and relevant content to conclude the presentation. The section is missing. The section has a high AI score or plagiarism score.

Academic presentation and communication skills (5 marks)

Strong visual appeal resulting from unique and creative features in the presentation. Extensively uses highly relevant discipline-based vocabulary to communicate meaning. They skilfully use light and shade in tone and speak with a steady pace. The presentation flows well suggesting limited use of notes and a well-practiced presentation. Limited errors in spelling, grammar, and referencing. No evidence of imperfections. Is within +/- 10% of the required time duration.

The visual appeal captures interest due to creative design features. Uses appropriate and relevant discipline-based language to convey meaning with clarity. Uses an effective tone and pace. Limited use of notes allows for a good flow of information and smooth presentation. Minor errors in spelling, grammar, and referencing. Imperfections are evident but minimal. Is within +/- 10% of the required time duration.

The visual appeal is clean and creative. Use of appropriate discipline-based vocabulary, tone, and pace. The flow of the presentation is good but more practice may have been needed as some sections were poorly presented. Some errors in spelling, grammar, and referencing. Imperfections are evident but minor. Is within +/- 10% of the required time duration.

Visual appeal is conventional incorporating common, standard features. Basic verbal and communication skills are demonstrated. Pace and tone supported the presentation. Some over-reliance on notes which disrupts the flow of the presentation. Several errors in spelling, grammar, and referencing.

Imperfections are evident. Is either within or exceeds +/- 10% of the required time duration.

Basic visual and audio features are inconsistent or not evident resulting in the presentation appearing disorganised, uncreative, and without a clear purpose. Imperfections disrupt visual and audio appeal. Ineffective use of vocabulary, tone, and pace. Issues with sound quality or the recording. Total reliance on notes or reading from a script which disrupts the flow of the presentation. Many errors in spelling, grammar, and referencing. There is a high plagiarism and/or AI score. Is either below or exceeds +/- 10% of the required time duration.