Reduce current tobacco use in adults — TU‑01 Healthy people 2030 Statement of purpose goals and smart objectives Start this section with: “Based on my findings and recommendations, the purpose of my

Health Belief Model Worksheet




Specify what activity will address these concepts for your project and give an example of what you’ll present

Perceived Susceptibility

One’s opinion of chances of getting condition

Define population(s) at risk, risk levels. Personalize risk based on a person’s features or behavior. Make perceived susceptibility consistent w/ actual risk.

Perceived Severity

One’s opinion of how serious a condition and its consequences are

Specify consequences of the risk and the condition.

Perceived Benefits

One’s opinion of the efficacy of the advised action to reduce risk or seriousness of impact

Define action to take: how, where, when; clarify the positive effects to be expected.

Perceived Barriers

One’s opinion of the tangible and psychological costs of the advised action

Identify & reduce barriers through reassurance, correction of misinformation, incentives & assistance.

Cues to Action

Strategies to activate “readiness”

Provide how-to information, promote awareness, reminders.

Self Efficacy

Confidence in one’s ability to take action

Provide training, guidance in performing beh., progressive goal setting, reinforcement, demonstrate behaviors, reduce anxiety.