6800- This assignment will be used as a precursor to the final project. You will continue to use the organization chosen in Unit I- US Army. To begin this assignment, you will collect the necessary da

Organizational Analysis and Feedback

Organizational Analysis and Feedback

Data Collection and Analysis in the U.S. Army

In combating low morale and unpreparedness in the U.S. Army, I first endeavored to obtain thorough information on the root causes of these problems. I employed a three-tier process of data gathering through direct observations, informal interviews, and secondary research regarding military morale and preparedness. Watching the interactions, routines, and dynamics of the team assisted me in determining where high operational demands impact morale. Personal interviews with the service members of various ranks revealed their firsthand experiences of excessive deployment stress, lack of mental health support, and minimal chance for rest in between deployments. Secondly, I reviewed articles and literature on military morale to expand my knowledge of how other military institutions experience similar issues while on long deployments.

Once I collected the data, I organized it by themes, such as “deployment frequency,” “mental health resources,” and “career progression.” By conducting a thematic analysis, though, I was able to identify common patterns and recurring concerns. For example, personnel reported that they were mentally fatigued due to lack of time to recover and that some were limited from using support services available to reduce their stress (Inoue et al., 2021). By looking at the data, I found that there is very much lacking time for decompression and not a lot of access to mental health resources, which significantly contributes to low morale and readiness. This analysis is of great importance to guide the U.S. Army to an effective solution. Now, I can see what specific things need to be changed and know which interventions to suggest, like making breaks happen more often, making it easier to seek out mental health resources, and offering professional development opportunities to improve morale. With work on these areas, we can better support personnel, which will, in turn, further readiness and retention. This data-driven approach will make sure that the solutions are squarely on point to the organizations' needs, putting the Army on a path toward long-term success and sustainability in its mission.

Outline of Analysis and Feedback

Problem Presented: Currently, the readiness to support missions and sustainment of morale in the U.S. Army remains a challenge as the military force continues to experience repetitive calls for deployment and training.

Assessment Process Overview: ADOS HR needs assessment was conducted using interviews, questionnaires, and observation data on morale and readiness for change.

Executive Summary of Findings and Insights: The findings also indicate that frequent deployments, along with health-related and other organizational support for personnel stress and work-life balance, tremendously affect personnel morale and stress.

Details of Specific Findings and Insights: Major sources of stress include duration of deployment, lack of adequate time off, restricted access to counseling, and lack of support structures that affect readiness and attrition.

Guidance to a Solution Set: Suggestions are to increase the number of breaks or their duration, improve the availability of counseling services, and arrange workshops focused on coping with these issues for workers.

Appendices of Data: Examples of supplementary data are survey data, interview transcripts, and morale and readiness index comparison studies with organizations in similar industries.


Inoue, C., Shawler, E., Jordan, C. H., Moore, M. J., & Jackson, C. A. (2021). Veteran and military mental health issues.