500 words with a List of all cited references in APA format alphabetically by author. It will be run through AI software. The topic of choice is healthcare; the template is attached. Local organizatio

Paper Title


SS-238 Public Policy

Kevin Muir


Part 1: Introduction:

  • Begin with an explanation of the policy (social) issue that interests you.

  • Discuss what you think is needed to improve the issue and how civic engagement could help.

  • Introduce the organization you found and connect it to the social issue you are interested in.

Part 2: Organization’s Mission:

  • Introduce the organization you found with details of its name, location, date founded, history, etc.

  • Discuss the organization’s mission statement and how the organization works to alleviate the social issue identified in the introduction.

    • Use their website, other sources, or responses from your interview as needed.

    • Identify specific methods of improving the social issue (e.g., raising money, providing services).

  • Provide any relevant data (facts or figures) that demonstrate the impact of the organization’s efforts.

Part 3: Volunteering

  • Discuss the role of volunteers in the organization you have selected.

  • Include details from your interview about the volunteering process:

    • For example: How does someone apply? What tasks can/will a volunteer perform? What sort of time commitment do they require?

  • Discuss the impact of volunteering on the organization and its mission.

    • Use responses from the interview, the website, or other sources as needed.

Part 4Discussion/Conclusion

  • Summarize the impact of the organization you chose on the social issue you are interested in.

  • Discuss whether you would be likely to volunteer at the organization.

    • Explain your stance.

    • Include any possible impediments or barriers to volunteering (e.g., time, location, task requirements).

  • Share your thoughts on the impact of civic engagement through volunteering on the social issue you have identified.
