Please write an apa style paper following the specific details from the rubic of the lab report 2 and with the attached articles and results. There are 7 documents attached in both the mediafire and o

Lab Report 2

Purposes of the assignment:

  • To demonstrate an understanding of how a correlational study is written up in APA-style, making sure to select highly relevant articles, accurately frame hypotheses and results in terms of correlational designs, and demonstrate critical thinking for limitations of the study

  • To demonstrate the ability to paraphrase and summarize empirical journal articles

  • To demonstrate understanding of Cronbach’s alpha

  • To demonstrate the ability to interpret jamovi output

  • To demonstrate strong writing quality

  • For this lab report, our research question is: what variables are significantly correlated with laughter frequency?

Poor Excellent Possible

Introduction 16.5 19.5 22.5 25.5 28.5 30

Start w/problem statement – why should someone care

about this research question?

What is the theory that this research rests upon?

Review five relevant articles (several might be repeats from Lab 1),

making sure to use your own words and APA style citation

and talking about the most relevant points (method and results!)

What are your hypotheses based upon the

literature reviewed? Specifically, what do you think the correlation will be between laughter frequency and (1) the satisfaction with life scale, (2) extraversion, (3) and psychological health

Method 11 13 15 17 19 20

Participants – what kind of sample did we use?

How many did we end up w in total?

Summarize important demographic characteristics

Materials– what did we need to conduct the study?

The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) can be found here and the Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) can be found here.

Procedure – short and sweet – please just write a sentence or two about how we did this in class.

Results 11 13 15 17 19 20

Start by explaining what Cronbach’s alpha is, what value we got for it, and what this means. Because we got a good value (you need to put it in your paper), I created a mean of the five items to collapse them down…and called it “SWLSCALE”

Then summarize the results of the three correlations above in APA style (look at the final page of ch. 12 PP).

Discussion/Implications 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10

What did you predict (summarize your hypotheses),

what were your results, link results with the literature,

then summarize limitations, how might we have

Approached this differently? Any issues with our method?

APA style/Writing Quality (each worth 10) 11 13 15 17 19 20