if the question requires "copy and pasting a python solution" please copy and paste the text instead of adding a picture of the python. Complete all the questions if the question requires "copy and pa
Assignment 2
Use this document as a template. Leave the questions in place and answer the questions right below them. For example, place the answer for Question 1 below Question 1 and the answer for Question 2 below Question 2. Save the document as a Microsoft Word file and submit the single file to UM Learn for grading. This assignment is worth 20 percent of your grade for the course. Note: Some parts of the assignment are not for grades but are there to help you prepare for the first mid-term exam.
Complete the following for Chapter 6:
1. In a paragraph, describe the process of collecting, labeling, and organizing a set of data [knowledge, comprehension]. {.5 marks}
2. {Spreadsheet Lab} As a screenshot display the organized data in the file Data_Analysis.csv [application]. {Midterm preparation}
3. Import the CSV file into Python as a DataFrame and copy and paste the DataFrame here. [application]. {.5 marks}
4. Define each of the statistical analysis concepts - probability distribution, mean, median, mode, variance, standard deviation, interquartile range, upper and lower fences, skewness, and correlation [comprehension]. {1 mark}
5. Use Python script to calculate mean, median, mode, variance, standard deviation, skewness for the numbers 2, 4, 4, 6, 9 and correlation for those numbers and 4, 2, 1, 5, 3. Display the script and output here [application]. {.5 marks}
6. ~Industry Project~ [Case Study] Organize provided data (Agribusiness_Data.csv)into a CSV file, import that file into Python, and find the mean, median, mode, variance, standard deviation, and skewness of yield, and correlation of yield and Nitrogen applied. Display the Python script and output. Write a brief interpretation of the output for the agribusiness [synthesis]. {1 mark}
7. In a paragraph, evaluate your analysis for the agribusiness data and rate it on a scale of 1 to 10 on how well it works [evaluate]. {.25 marks}
8. In a paragraph, write about the consequences of falsifying data [reflection]. {.25 marks}
9. Complete the in-chapter questions for this chapter. Below, write out the solutions beside the questions numbers. {1 mark}
Complete the following for Chater 7:
1. In a paragraph, define a commodity, and describe the marketing of a commodity [knowledge, comprehension]. {.25 marks}
2. Describe the following types of data analysis and provide an example of the use of each time-series analysis, cross-section analysis [knowledge, comprehension]. {.25 marks}
3. In a paragraph, for a commodity describe the futures prices, the selling prices, and the differences among the three [knowledge, comprehension]. {.25 marks}
4.{Spreadsheet Lab} Using the data given and graphical functions for a spreadsheet, construct a time-series graph showing the futures prices, spot prices and selling prices for a commodity for a given time period. Construct a second graph showing a cross-section of the distribution of spot prices and selling prices for the same time period. {Midterm exam preparation}
5. Analyze the above graphs, commenting on what they indicate about the timing of sales [application, analysis]. {.5 marks}
6. <Python Lab> Using the matplotlib library in Python and the csv file for data provided, construct a time-series graph showing the futures prices, spot prices, and selling prices for a commodity for a given time period. Construct a second graph showing a cross-section of the distribution of spot prices and selling prices for the same time period. Check to be sure that your outputs are the same as those from the spreadsheet [application, analysis]. {Midterm preparation}
7. In a paragraph, define what a branded product is, and describe the optimal pricing model for how a branded product works [comprehension]. {.75 marks}
8. <Python Lab> Upload the code to solve for the optimal pricing of a branded product, given its demand function, fixed cost, and variable (per unit) cost that are provided in the textbook. Display the output of the Python script here. {.25 marks}
9. ~Industry Project~ <Python Lab> Describe an agribusiness branded product. Create a logo and a list of product features that can be used as a selling sheet. Define what problem the product is designed to solve for agribusinesses, and its value proposition. Feel free to use a chatbot to help you with your answer … ask it “Describe an agribusiness branded product. Create a logo and a list of product features that can be used as a selling sheet. Define what problem the product is designed to solve for agribusinesses, and its value proposition.” Given the demand function, fixed cost, and variable (per unit) cost, create your own Python script to solve for the optimal price of the branded product [synthesis]. You can simply vary the demand function, fixed cost, and variable (per unit) cost used above {.5 marks}
10. In a paragraph, evaluate your branded product and your pricing solution, and rate it on a scale of one to ten on how well it works to solve the problem [evaluation]. {.25 marks}
11. In a short paragraph, write about how you feel about marketing after having read this chapter [reflection]. {.25 marks}
12. Complete the in-chapter questions for this chapter. Below, write out the solutions beside the questions numbers. {1.25 marks}
Complete the following for Chapter 8:
1. In a paragraph, describe risk and return regarding financial returns [knowledge, comprehension] {.25 marks}
2. In a paragraph, describe Markowitz’s risk-return model [knowledge, comprehension. {.25 marks}
3. {Spreadsheet Lab} Create a spreadsheet like the one shown in the portal for Markowitz’s model that minimizes risk subject to a given rate of return. Use the returns data given in Chapter 8 UM Learn in the file called risk_and_return_2.csv [Application]. Take a screenshot of the spreadsheet and paste it here. {Midterm preparation}
4. <Python Lab> Observe the Python script provided called risk_and_return_2.py and run it. Copy and paste the output for the script here. [Application}. {.5 marks}
5. List four observations about Markowitz’s risk-return frontier [Analysis}. {.75 marks}
6. In a paragraph, describe diversifiable and non-diversifiable risk [comprehension]. {.25 marks}
7. <Python Lab> Observe the Python script provided called risk_and_return_3.py and run it. Copy and paste the output here. [Application}. {.5 marks}
8. Evaluate the three-investment model, and rate it on a scale of one to ten on how well it works to solve the problem [evaluation]. {.25 marks}
9. Write a paragraph about the most important point that you learned from this chapter regarding risk and return [reflection]. {.25 marks}
10. Complete the in-chapter quiz. Below, write out the solutions beside the questions numbers. {2 marks}
Complete the following for Chapter 9:
1. In a paragraph, describe economics terms profit and wealth and the relationship between them. [knowledge, comprehension] {.25 marks}
2. Write the equations for economics profit and wealth[ knowledge, comprehension. {.25 marks}
3. Describe an accounting income statement (to measure profit) and balance sheet (to measure wealth) and describe how the two are connected [knowledge, comprehension]. {.25 marks}
4. Describe four accounting measures for the health of a business [comprehension] {.25 marks}
5. {Spreadsheet Lab} Use the four measures to analyze the financial data provided (Analyzing_Financial_Statements.xlsx) by adding the measures to the spreadsheet [analysis]. Write out the solutions for the four measures here. {.5 marks}
6. {Spreadsheet Lab} With a spreadsheet solve the 12 time value of money problems given in the textbook [application]. Write out the solution for the time value of money questions here. {.5 marks}
7. {Spreadsheet Lab} Put together a spreadsheet that is the same as the one shown in the portal to calculate the net present value and internal rate of return for the capital investment described in the textbook. Show the spreadsheet as a screenshot [application]. {Midterm preparation}
8. In a paragraph, evaluate your financial assessment with a capital budget for an agribusiness, and rate it on a scale of one to ten on how well it worked for the task [evaluation]. {.75 marks}
9. In a paragraph, write about what profit and wealth means to you in your life [reflection]. {.25 marks}
10. Complete the in-chapter quiz. Below, write out the solutions beside the questions numbers. {2 marks}