Click on Read: Demand for Labor (LO2) (5 pages) to open the resource.
Click on Read: Labor Market Equilibrium and Wage Determinants (LO3) (19 pages) to open the resource.
Click on Read: Income Distribution (LO3) (5 pages) to open the resource.
Click on Watch: Labor Force Participation (LO2) (7:13) to open the resource.
Q1. Week 7 Current Events (LO2) (LO3) - Part of Current Events category total of 20% (must relate to chapter readings)
Students will create their response to the article in Word (Times New Roman, 12-point pitch double spaced), and submit the assignment in the online Moodle classroom. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation should be emphasized, and students are expected to include at least two hundred (200) words in each assignment. A minimum of one hundred (100) words should summarize the article, and another minimum of one hundred (100) words should relate the summary to Macroeconomics. You must also include the citation in APA7 format that indicates where you found your article. You may use your textbook to reference macroeconomic theory and concept. Do not copy the article.
Essential Activities:
Complete weekly OEM readings and PowerPoint slides to successfully complete the assignment.
FOR Q2. Watch the video to get an idea about what kind of data points you can include in your paper and their underlying relationships. While watching, think about the relationship between the inflation rate, the Fed's monetary policy, and the growth of real GDP.
Click on Watch: NBER director John Lipsky breaks down economic data, forecasts Fed outlook (LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4) (5:19) to open the resource.
Q2. This week your posting allows you to present your research findings identifying the element your research was the strongest positive impact on the economy and what element was the strongest negative impact on the economy.
Essential Activities:
Reading the assigned OER readings and reviewing the OER PowerPoint slides will assist you in writing this discussion forum.
Q3. Submit your Economic Forecast Research Paper for evaluation by the Turnitin plagiarism software checker.
Make sure to use APA7 formatting for in text citations, references and style.
Essential Activities:
Reviewing the weekly OER Readings, PowerPoint slides, and Videos will give you a good foundation for completing this assignment.
Following the Economic Forecast Outline contained in the syllabus and selecting you topics to research will be solid resources for your report.
This paper must be formatted in APA Style 7th edition.
Economic Forecast Outline Topic Suggestions: Here are some suggestions of items that you could look at in writing your economic forecast. This is certainly not an exhaustive list but only intended to give you some general items. Charts and Graphs are to be included as appendices to the body of your paper. Your paper should have a cover page identifying the course name and number and section you are in and your name. You may also want to include a regional, national, and international perspective. I. Domestic A. Inflation 1. Consumer Price Index 2. Producer Price Index B. Unemployment 1. Unemployment Rate 2. New Claims 3. Duration of Unemployment C. Work Week 1. Average Hours D. Interest Rate 1. Prime Rate E. Consumer Debt F. Stock Market 1. DJIA 2. AMEX G. Orders for Durable Goods H. Housing Market I. Foreign Trade 1. Demand for Imports 2. Supply of Exports J. Foreign Economies 1. Demand for US Goods 2. Supply of Goods J. Consumer Confidence II. Resources - Here are some interesting links that may be helpful. Certainly not limited here. A. Bureau of Economic Analysis B. White House Issues Economy C. Bureau of Labor Statistics III. Testimony by Federal Reserve Chairman to Congress This is an 8-page report based upon the outline provided of where the economy is headed and the prospects for National Economy. Based upon your reading and research what is the state of the Economy, is it declining or improving trends, and what does the next 6 - 12 months look like in that industry or overall economy based upon your research. 5. This paper must be submitted in a Microsoft Word file 12-point font, double spaced, 8 written pages exclusive of title page, table of contents, reference page, and appendices containing charts, tables, and graphs.
Q4. Prepare and submit your PowerPoint presentation based upon your Economic Forecast Research paper.
Essential Activities:
Use your Economic Forecast Research paper as the foundation for your 10-15 minute presentation.