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Name: Rabisa Maharjan
Topic : Organizational Culture
A peer-reviewed article is a work from fellow scholars in the same field who have guaranteed reliability, validity, and rigor by assessing it in advance against academic standards for its publication. This helps assure quality and the article's trustworthiness, hence being credible toward the academic research.
In order to find these peer-reviewed articles related to organizational culture, I will be utilizing the PSU library's resources, focusing most of my research on Google Scholar, EBSCOhost, and PsycINFO. These databases hold a range of recent credible studies in which I can find support for my analysis and recommendations in the fictional organization.
I decided to do my analysis on the fictional Parks and Recreation Department represented in the TV show entitled Parks & Recreation. The department, led by Leslie Knope, of a small-town government in Pawnee, Indiana is also home to quirky yet committed employees who bring with them a vast array of differences in regards to personality and working style.
Episode Title: "The Stakeout" (Season 2, Episode 2)
In this espiode Leslie Knope decides to set up a stakeout at a nearby park to watch for suspicious activities. Further, it explains Leslie's passion and commitment to the job, but within the scene, it shows some underlying conflicts or incongruity of opinion on privacy and work ethics among her coworkers and insight into how things get accomplished within the Parks Department. It gives attention to such aspects of the organizational culture that influence the general success of the department: collaboration, shared values, and sometimes diverging working styles.
24-25 BTA.docx - Google Docs