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Chavez 1 Part 1: Topic Selection and Initial Research 1. Topic Selection Chosen Topic : Challenges of Educational Equity for Latinx Students Focus : This topic will focus on the structural barriers that Latinx students face in technological education systems. The main emphasis will be paid to issues concerning inequitable utilization of available resources, enrollment in higher levels of learning, and the role of socioeconomic status in education. This analysis seeks to identify what hinders Latinx students from achieving fair outcomes in education and how these barriers might be tackled to provide better schooling for Latinx students. 2. Conducting Research The research includes four scholarly sources: two from the course materials and two from external academic sources. 3. Article Summaries Course Material 1 : Rodriguez, Clara. Educational Dynamics This reading focuses on analyzing the systemic avenues for oppression within the United States school system and how it affects Latin Latinx students. Rodriguez speaks about prejudice in curriculums including funding disparities and racism as fundamental c auses of educational disparities. Her analysis is insightful on how best one can look at such structures when determining the odds faced by Latinx students in urban education settings . Course Material 2 : Brea, Lucía. Exploring the Strengths of Latino/Families Through Cultural and Social Capital This article discusses the cultural and social assets of Latinx families, including community, as well as strong family bonds that are beneficial in the education of Latinx students Chavez 2 despite the equitable context. Changing for the better the educational experiences of Latinx students: This is the focus of Brea's work especially as it outlines ways of developing these strengths. This article supports resilience within the Latinx populat ion, emphasizing the need to understand school cultural resources. External Source 1 : Mir, Alyda R. The Narrative Journeys of Women of Color High - Level Educational Leaders . 2024, Claremont Graduate University. This paper is important as it explores Blacks' engagement in higher education as leaders in institutions of learning across North America and how institutional racism and sexism impede their progress. Despite calling for an investigation of educational leaders rather than students, the indicate d results expose various concerns of representation and mentorship as key to the education of Latinx students. The analysis of intersectionality that the study provides helps establish the context of the systemic prejudice Latinx students experience in the system . External Source 2 : Slowbe, Sara G. Principal Leadership to Elevate Long - Term English Learners . 2022, San Diego State University. This research focuses on the involvement of school principals in serving one of the most vulnerable ELs population that is, the LTELs which comprises a significant number of Latinx students. Slowbe discusses the organizational strategies required to meet t he needs of this special subtype of employees and identifies the organizational changes necessary to address this subgroup.

Hence, the study’s findings stress the potential of culturally appropriate leadership in enabling Latinx students to have an equal o pportunity to benefit from their education, which makes this source valuable for addressing the challenges and solutions to inequitable education. Chavez 3 Work Cited Brea, Lucía. Exploring the Strengths of Latino/a Families Through Cultural and Social Capital . 2024. (Slides – Week 3) Mir, Alyda R. The Narrative Journeys of Women of Color High - Level Educational Leaders . Claremont Graduate University, 2024, URL: . Rodriguez, Clara. Educational Dynamics . 2023. (Slides Week 7) - 0r - DOH_TIZAMwJeh_2hd3tXOI3q/view Slowbe, Sara G. Principal Leadership to Elevate Long - Term English Learners . San Diego State University, 2022. - b377 - 46c3 - b412 - 0a5df1030c1e#page/20/mode/2up