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SIGN - UP LIST ANTH Cross - cultural perspectives I. APPROACHING EUROCENTRISM Class 5. Original accumulation written from Marx’s hidden abodes: (Canine) animalization of black people & dogs racialization in the Americas [Mon - September 16] Boisseron, B. (2018). “Blacks and dogs in the Americas” Afro - Dog: Blackness and the Animal Question . Columbia University Press, pp. 37 - 80 [Presentation 1] II. TOWARD THE RELATIVIST AXIOM Class 11. Race, racism and mestissagem [Wed - Oct 9] Freyre, Gilberto. The Masters and the Slaves: a study in the development of Brazilian civilization . [Selections] , pp. 404 - 417. [Presentation 2] Class 14. On incest taboo and men’s exchange of women [Wed - Oct 23] Lévi - Strauss, Claude. (1985) [1949]. “Nature and Culture” in The Elementary Structures of Kinship , pp. 1 - 12. Class 16. Oedipus complex(ities) [Wed - Oct 30] Segato, Rita. 2022 [2015]. “Black Oedipus. Coloniality and the Foreclosure of Gender and Race” in The Critique of Coloniality. Eight Essays. Routedge, pp. 136 - 158. [Presentation 3] III. MATERIALISM AND IDEALISM, A FALSE BATTLE? Class 17. Ideology and ideologies [Mon - Nov 4] Marx, Karl. “Section 3: Branches of English Industry Without Legal Limits to Exploitation” in The Capital , pp. 168 - 175. [Presentation 4] Class 18. The “cultured” and “uncultured” [Wed - Nov 6] Bourdieu, Pierre. 1986. “The Forms of Capital” in Handbook of theory and research for the sociology of education , pp. 241 – 58 [Presentation 5] Class 19. The ecectiveness of symbols [Mon - Nov 11] [Ethnographic observation reviewed] Lévi - Strauss, Claude. 1955. “The eaectiveness of symbols” in Structural Anthropology , pp. 186 - 205. [Presentation 6] Barthes, Roland. 1972 [1957]. “Myth is a type of speech” in Mythologies, pp. 109 - 111 _____________. “Myth as a semiological system” pp. 111 - 116 _____________. “Myth of the right” pp. 148 - 155 [Presentation 7] Class 20. Culture as (public) texts [Wed - Nov 13] Geertz, Cliaord. “Deep play. Notes on Balinese Cockfight” in The Interpretation of Cultures, pp. 412 - 453 [Presentation 8] Class 22. Rituality and processes [Wed - Nov 20] [Revisited observations] Turner, Victor. 1991 [1969]. of “Communitas and liminality” in The Ritual Process. Structure and Anti - Structure . New York: Cornell, pp. 94 - 108. [Selections] [Presentation 9] IV. SO, ENOUGH ABOUT CULTURE(S)? Class 26. Protest and ethnography in digital times [Wed - Dec 11] Bonilla, Y. and Rosa, J. (2015), #Ferguson: Digital protest, hashtag ethnography, and the racial politics of social media in the United States. American Ethnologist, 42: 4 - 17. [Presentation 10]