Module 3 Assignment Why Should I Choose Your Program? During the past weeks you have been challenged to think about the critical role of play and creativity in children’s healthy development and lear
Simulation Planning Resources
As you prepare for your Simulation—reviewing the scenario and the challenges and deciding how you will intentionally incorporate active listening, effective communication, and your knowledge of the vital role of creativity and play in children’s healthy development and learning—keep the following in mind:
Become an active listening expert!
Refer to both of these resources as you plan how you will intentionally and responsively weave active listening into the meeting. (n.d.). Active listening.
Center for Creative Leadership. (2020). Use active listening to coach others.
Consider tips from early childhood experts.
Refer to these resources to help you think about effective communication with families of young children. Though some of the content may not be completely aligned with the scenario you will be immersed in, look for tips, strategies, and perspectives you can apply.
Munday, A. (2016, June 7). 5 steps for more effective communication with parents. Early Childhood Education Blog. (n.d.). Strategies for effective communication with parents.
Put yourself in a family member’s shoes.
It’s helpful to think about what parents and other family members would want to know. These articles may help!
Texas Child Care Quarterly. (2016, Fall). Talking with parents: How play promotes school readiness.
Bongiorno, L. (2018, August/September). Talking with parents about play and learning. Teaching Young Children.
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