Module 3 Assignment Why Should I Choose Your Program? During the past weeks you have been challenged to think about the critical role of play and creativity in children’s healthy development and lear

Simulation Meeting Notes Template

A key best practice for effectively meetings is to create notes that help you organize your thoughts and the meeting. These notes might include your goal(s) for the meeting, a list of key topics you want to cover, reminders you may need to help your meeting be positive and productive, and in this case, your responses to the questions Martina has posed.
To prepare your meeting notes for the Simulation, use these questions to inspire and inform your thinking.

Note: Each of the bullet points corresponds to the challenges you will be addressing during your Simulation experience.

  • How will you begin the meeting?

    • Welcoming Martina – Creating a safe space to foster open dialogue

    • Sharing a little about yourself and inviting Martina to share as well

    • Briefly reviewing the reason for and purpose of the meeting – Asking if this is correct

    • Using active listening skills throughout

  • How will you use effective communication skills (including active listening) as you respond to Martina’s questions?

  • Preparing bullet points that respond to Martina’s questions as summarized below and references to substantiate your thinking

  • Pausing to invite questions

  • Being respectful of Martina’s concerns

  • Acknowledging that you are listening to her perspective by asking questions, paraphrasing, and demonstrating appropriate body language

  • How will you end the meeting cordially?

  • Summarizing what has taken place

  • Asking for Martina’s thoughts and additional questions

  • Offering to help her make this important decision any way you can

  • Deciding together if there are next steps

  • Thanking her for coming to talk with you

For this Assignment: Use this template to provide bullet points that will serve as a guide for what you plan to do and say during the meeting with Martina in your Simulation. Be sure to include at least two resources for each of your responses to Martina’s questions in case she enquires about your thinking and/or wants to know how she can learn more. Be sure to consult the Simulation Protocol document so that you understand each of the simulation challenges and the Simulation Planning Resources document to help guide and inform your thinking.

  1. Opening the Meeting:

Bullet Points:

  1. Responding to Martina’s Questions:

    • Academics: How does your program address pre-reading and reading, math, science, social studies, etc., since these areas are so important for kindergarten success?

Bullet Points:


    • Daily schedule: I'm confused about the amount of time devoted to free play and choice time and how that prepares children for kindergarten. 

Bullet Points:


    • Teachers’ roles: What do the teachers really do all day other than let the children play? 

Bullet Points:


    • Creativity: On your website, I see that creativity is an emphasis, but where is the creativity in your program when even art is optional? 

Bullet Points:


  1. Ending the Meeting:

Bullet Points:


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