Week 2 Project Instructions Legislative Matrix For this assignment, you will develop a Legislative Matrix based upon the specific legislators in a residential/geographical legislative district in your
Week 2 Project Health Policy
Texas Legislative Matrix
Legislators in the State of Texas | | | | |
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Elected Official | Active Legislation Bills- | Past Legislative Incentives | Assigned Committees |
Governor | Greg Abbott | This leader was the one responsible for drafting the bill He took and forwarded the bill to the 1545 bear in the house, and the bill was passed (Heydari, 2020) Gave response to the disaster relief bill and the constipation bill in the house. He was part of those who drafted bill number 2 of the property reform changes in the state and districts. He was part of human trafficking and rape cases. Aimed at reducing the increased rate of the two crimes.
| SB20: Assisting board members to increase their level of expiration by advising the board HB13: The bill was drafted to increase information reporting that are all attributed to abortion issues in the house to offer access to such health issues (Saxon, 2020) The bill is in support of the police and security protection act drafted in 2017.
U.S Senator | Ted Cruz | S2220- Responsible for drafting the Timing Security Reliance act to ensure that the state security is better and the people are safe. SJRES23: Gave support in making sure that the bill was passed to increase reliance on Drug testing and unemployment bill. The bill intends to increase drug testing and reduce unemployment. Drafted the S74: The senator was part of drafting the bill to ensure no work, no pay act passed in the house. This will help citizens to get a better pay
| S69: The bill deals with constitutional carry reciprocity cases about the state's issues to increase the efficiency of issues. S104: The bill is known to support the shutdown of state functions that hinder the state's success. S109: Failure to support funding of abortion cases that are related to issues of state-level funding. | |
Texas Senator | Charles Schwertner (District 5) | SB1548: The bill aims to support healthcare information and data collection to help providers ease access to the data ad information herein. SB200: The bill was intended to help Texans get free cancer screening to all victims of the same. SB1549: The bill ensures that it supports emergency services at all public and private facilities in the state. | SR701: Support cystic fibrosis awareness to the state women and offer other support of the federal state issues. The federal-state will also increase its effort on the same front SB1107: This bill is related to telehealth and technological medical support in the state and rural governments.
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Congressman | Bill Flores (District 17) | HR8705: The bill is one of the most passed ones in the state. It raises issues concerning public health. It was developed to reduce or curb the increased use of drugs by students and many more young adults. HR8698: The leader drafted the bill to make sure that the homeless have a roof and that the homeless rate in the streets is low as possible. This to reduce the causes of crime that the homeless face. HR8698-The bill was sent to the house to increase funding for retired persons. Besides, it aimed to increase access to retirement funds to the beneficiaries. All this is to increase such funds to them for development and other uses.
| HR19-The intention of the bill is to lower the cost of health services and healthcare in the state. HR20: Limit the tax rendered to issues of abortion and use the fund for other vital expenditures that the state faces. HR38: The leader drafted the bill to make sure that the homeless have a roof and that the homeless rate in the streets is low as possible. This to reduce the causes of crime that the homeless face. HB369: Besides, it aimed to increase access to retirement funds to the beneficiaries. All this is to increase such funds to them for development and other uses. -
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Texas Representative | Kyle Kacal (District 12) | HB21: The bill supports needed help to critically ill patients to have access to funding via insurance so that they can be able to get healthcare access to all citizens in the state. HB3070: The congressman drafted the bill to increase ease of access to all state levels and local government emergency services access. HB1584: The bill offers a clear health benefit plan that covers care to treatment of cancer patients. | HB670: The bill supports needed help to critically ill patients to have access to funding via insurance so that they can be able to get healthcare access to all citizens in the state. HB16: The leader drafted the bill to increase ease of access to all state levels and local government emergency services access. HB361: The bill offers a clear health benefit plan that covers care to treatment of cancer patients. -
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Texas Representative | John Raney (District 14) | HB1573: The bill is much attributed to the prosecution of several Capital offenses such as murder, among others. HB1682: The bill is there to increase children's safety in childcare homes in various states around the state. HB2879: The bill is known to support literary programs.
| HB3185: Support of The bill is attributed to the prosecution of several Capital offenses such as murder, among others. HB1145: Clearinghouse to increase children safety in childcare homes in various states around the state. HB445: The bill is known to support literary programs.
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Demetracopoulou, V., O'Brien, W. J., & Khwaja, N. (2020). Lessons learned from the selection of project delivery methods in highway projects: The Texas experience. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, 12(1), 04519040.
Heydari, M. (2020). The Budding Hemp Industry: The Effect of Texas House Bill 1325 on Employment Drug Policies.
Morris, H. A. (2020). The effect of Ruiz v. Estelle on crime in Texas (Doctoral dissertation).
Saxon, J. (2020). Reviving legislative avenues for gerrymandering reform with a flexible, automated tool. Political Analysis, 28(3), 372-394.
Zolnierek, C., Watson, J. J., & Ruiz, D. (2021). Texas Team Action Coalition Advancing Health Through Nursing: Past, Present, and Future. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 45(1), 35-45.