easy assignment -Engage with all course content up to and including 1.3 Introduction to Basic Research Methods Download CRJU3610_Problem Set_1Please answer all questions on the problem set or on addit
Statistical Analysis in Criminal Justice Problem Set # 1 – Due 5:00pmName_________________________________________________________________
PurposeIn these problems, you will:
Practice basic math and symbols
Demonstrate ability to identify and apply key research terms
Please answer the following on this page or on additional paper if needed. You must show all of your work to receive full credit for your answers.
For any math problem, your final answer must be enclosed in a box.
Your homework must be completed independently, or it is considered academic dishonesty
You are interested in knowing the number of times prosecutors lose cases in a month. You collect data and find the following:
X1=2, X2=0, X3=3, X4=2, X5=4, X6=1, X7=5
How many prosecutors are in the sample?
What is the variable you are examining?
How many times did the fourth prosecutor lose?
Calculate ∑X
If a=1.2, b=4, and x=7. Find the following:
Z=(a + b2)2 – x
Y+ Z(x-a)
3. You are conducting a study examining whether individuals who experience strain are more likely than others to engage in domestic violence. What are the dependent and independent variables? What is the unit of analysis?
4. A criminologist conducts research on number of training hours police recruits have and their use of force in their first year on the job. What are the independent and dependent variables?
5. You believe that cities with larger populations will have a greater number of homeless people than smaller cities. What are the independent and dependent variables? What is the unit of analysis?
6. If the rape rate in Miami, Florida is 4.39, what does this mean? (in other words, interpret the value of 4.39)
7. If GSU’s student enrollment was 32,000 in 2010 and was 51,500 in 2019, what is the rate of change for student enrollment? Show all of your work!
8. In a class, there are 20 sophomores, 17 juniors, and 28 seniors. What percentage of students are juniors? What proportion of students are seniors?
9. State a hypothesis of your own between two variables (related to criminal justice) that could be tested.
10. Using a governmental or non-profit website, find a statistic about the type of employment you hope to enter upon graduation that you find interesting. Provide the statistic and an appropriate reference and why you find it interesting. For example, I found out that about three fourths of tenured full professors at 4-year institutions of higher learning are male (Williams, 2016). I find this particularly interesting given that I am a tenured, full professor and female. I wonder if this sex difference will impact my ability to go into administration (e.g, become a Dean).
Williams, A. (2016). The uncertain path to full professor. Retrieved from http://chronicle.com/article/The-Uncertain-Path-to-Full/235304
11. In a recent poll, people were asked questions about overhauling the criminal justice system. The study was done via telephone survey of 1,310 U.S. adults between June 11 and June 15, 2020. Results showed that 29% of the sample believes the criminal justice system needs a complete overhaul and 40% said that it needed major changes.
What is the sample?
What is the population?
For the following identify the level of measurement (if unsure, please clarify your answer):
1. Years since first arrest
2. Number of hours study for test
3. Whether or not belong to a fraternity
4. Amount of money spent in prison store in one month
5. Percent of drug court participants who graduate
6. Level of satisfaction with police in community (low, medium, high)