For this assignment, you will identify and take notes on at least four high-quality sources related to your course project topic. As noted in this week's Assignment Connection, high-quality sources in

Research Reading Journal

This research journal can save you countless hours in every college class you take! Here’s how to use it:

  1. Whenever you find what might be a good source, capture citation information and a brief summary and assessment. You can keep gathering sources and come back later to read them and take notes.

  2. For each source, use the table to capture important information in direct “quotations,” paraphrases or summaries. Save time and avoid plagiarism by including in-text citations with each bit of source information.

  3. Add a brief explanation for each bit of source information, then make a note about where you think you might use this information.

  4. Complete as many potentially useful annotations as you can for each source. Add more lines if you need them.

  5. If you need to take notes on more than four sources, copy and paste more worksheet lines below.

  6. Come back to this document as you build your outline and draft your paragraphs. Copy info AND citations!

First source ************************************************************************************

SOURCE CITATION: Copy full references page citations from databases or develop your own citations, including:

Author(s). (Year, Month day). Title of work. Publisher. URL/DOI/Permalink

SUMMARY OF SOURCE: Write 2-3 sentences to remind you what this source is about. Summaries are brief, objective reports of what is in the source. Do not copy or quote source content. Don’t include your analysis or opinion.

ASSESSMENT OF THE SOURCE: Write three to four sentences reflecting on the quality and usefulness of this source. Explain what makes it credible, relevant, useful for your project, and so on.

Direct Quotation with In-Text Citation – EX: Writing professor Janet Jones (2022) said, “Always cite source information” (p. 2).

Paraphrase with in-text citation – EX: All source information should be cited (Jones, 2022).

Explanation – What is the author really saying? How is it related to your point?

Application – Where you will use the information

Second source ************************************************************************************

REFERENCE CITATION: Author(s). (Year, Month day). Title of work. Publisher. URL/DOI/Permalink



Direct Quotation & Citation

Paraphrase & Citation



Third source ************************************************************************************

REFERENCE CITATION: Author(s). (Year, Month day). Title of work. Publisher. URL/DOI/Permalink



Direct Quotation & Citation

Paraphrase & Citation



Fourth source ************************************************************************************

REFERENCE CITATION: Author(s). (Year, Month day). Title of work. Publisher. URL/DOI/Permalink



Direct Quotation & Citation

Paraphrase & Citation

