2 Parts Module 2: Assignment: What Does It Mean to Have a Child-Centered Environment? https://www.mediafire.com/file/4i1gbnswg06m3rb/MSEC6104_Mod2Assign_ComparingVisualPerspectives.pptx/file Child

Marzano PowerPoint Presentation

150 points

Rationale: By researching the works of leaders recognized in the field of educational leadership, students can study and apply the latest research to their educational settings.

Research and develop a PowerPoint presentation to highlight Robert Marzano’s Concept of a High Reliability School. Your assignment should: 1) providing a brief biographical sketch of Robert Marzano’s career as a school reformer; 2) highlighting each of the different five levels of reliability in Marzano’s framework for high reliability schools; 3) choosing a local school and evaluate its progress in attaining the five levels of reliability, and 4) including a Reference List on the last slide.

Evaluation Criteria

Did Not Meet Expectations

Met Expectations

Exceeded Expectations

Possible Points 150

Provide a brief biographical sketch of Marzano’s career as an educational reformer

Did not provide a biographical sketch.

Briefly and/or vaguely highlighted Marzano’s career as an educational reformer

Adequately highlighted Marzano’s career as an educational reformer


Highlight Each of the Five Levels of Reliability

Failed to highlight the five levels of reliability.

Briefly highlighted the five levels of reliability.

Adequately highlighted the five levels of reliability


Evaluate a Local School’s Progress in Attaining the Five Levels of Reliability

Failed to evaluate a local school’s progress in attaining the five levels of reliability.

Briefly and/or vaguely evaluated a local school’s progress in attaining the five levels of reliability

Adequately evaluated a local school’s progress in attaining the five levels of reliability


Reference List

Bibliographical entries do not follow APA format and/or paper has less than 3 resources.

Bibliographical entries somewhat follow APA format; resources are not research-based

Bibliographical entries follow APA format, and all resources are research-based.


Spelling, Grammar, Mechanics

Poor quality with many errors present.

Average quality: there are a few errors noted

Excellent quality-no errors noted


12-15 Slide Requirement

Less than 12 slides

Summary meets 12-15 criteria; does not exceed slide requirement.




For more information about the Marzano Framework for High Reliability Schools:
