(Skim over chief bromden file) It has been recommended that Chief Bromden undergo a full psychological assessment. Identify and defend the use of three specific personality/clinical instruments. The o
Module 5 Discussion Chief Bromden, a 37-year-old Native American man has recently been discharged from a psychiatric hospital in Oregon after 15 years (St. Thomas University, 2021). Chief Bromden’s presenting concern is that he has exhibited symptoms of Schizophrenia from an early age, which has only worsened over time (St. Thomas University, 2021). The symptoms included persistent delusions, and auditory and visual hallucinations, along with paranoid thoughts and social isolation (St. Thomas University, 2021). He also developed Alcohol Use Disorder as a way to manage his symptoms and psychological distress (St. Thomas University, 2021). That being said, three specific personality instruments will be used to assess Chief Bromden following his dischar ge:the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF), the Rorschach Inkblot Test, and the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT).
The MMPI-2-RF is a widely used psychometric test that assesses major symptoms of adult psychopathy (Sheperis, Drummond, & Jones, 2020). Due to his many symptoms, it can be dif ficult to identify and determine Chief Bromden’s exact diagnosis. Chief Bromden would benefit from the MMPI-2-RF assessment because it contains scales that can identify and help determine Chief Bromden’s psychological disorders, personality traits, and symptom severity (Pearson Assessments US, 2018). The MMPI-2-RF also has high validity and reliability, allowing clinicians to recognize patterns in responses (Pearson Assessments US, 2018). This test is often used by clinicians to diagnose mental disorders and create treatment plans (Sheperis, Drummond, & Jones, 2020). Based on the results a proper plan can be made for Chief Bromden, and the results can be used to track his improvement over time. I would also have Chief Bromden complete the Rorschach Inkblot Test and the TA T.
According to Schmidtke (2020), the Rorschach Inkblot Test and TA T are projective assessments used to examine unconscious thoughts and behaviors. Given Chief Bromden’s cognitive state, the tests can give insight into his perception and possibly hallucinations (Schmidtke, 2020). However , it is important to consider Chief Bromden’s culture and background when interpreting the tests. Seeing that Anglo is the only available psychologist, he can misinterpret Chief Bromden’ s responses due to their different backgrounds, as Chief is Native American and Anglo is not. Schmidtke (2020) highlights the influence cultural beliefs have on the results of the tests. Because the tests rely on the judgment of the clinician, Anglo may interpret the assessments according to his culture and personal beliefs as opposed to Chief Bromden’s (Schmidtke, 2020). Refer ences Pearson Assessments US. (2018, August 8). MMPI-2-RF: Basic overview [Video].
YouT ube.
https://youtu.be/XCartDkFDNM Schmidtke, J.I. (2020, September 9). Personality assessment 3.2 projective personality tests [V ideo].
YouT ube.
https://youtu.be/RD1LgR Yeo-E Sheperis, C. J., Drummond, R. J., & Jones, K. D. (2020). Assessment procedur es for counselors and helping professionals (9th ed.). Pearson. S t.
Thom as Univ e rs it y .
(2 021).
One Fle w Over th e Cuck o o's Nest's Chie f Bro m den [P D F]. TED, & Little, B. (2016, July 19). Who are you, really?
The puzzle of personality [Video].
Y ouT ube.
https://youtu.be/qY vXk_bqlBk R esp o nse 1:
As usu al, yo u hav e so m e gre at so u rc e s th at su ppo rt yo ur su gge stio n s fo r a sse ssm en ts an d th e ge n era tio nal is su es re gard in g is su es su rro un d in g dru g/a lc o hol ab use a n d ad dic tio n.
One of th e man y is su es yo u po in te d ou t as bein g im po rta n t fo r clin ic ia n s a n d te st ad m in is tr a to rs to be aw are of was "...D ue to his many sy m pto m s, it ca n be dif fi cu lt t o id en tif y an d dete rm in e Chie f Bro m den ’s ex a ct dia gn osis .
Chie f Bro m den wou ld ben efi t fr o m t h e MMPI- 2 -R F asse ssm en t beca u se it co n ta in s sc a le s th at ca n id en tif y an d help dete rm in e C hie f Bro m den ’s psy ch olo gic a l dis o rd ers , pers o n ali t y tra it s , an d sy m pto m se v erit y (P ea rs o n A sse ssm en ts US, 2018)." T hat was one of my co nce rn s wit h th e ca se of Chie f Bro m den .
Yo u r cla ssm ate Ren ae p o in te d out th at men ta l healt h pro fe ssio n als , in clu d in g nu rs e s, med ic a l docto rs , an d th e c lin ic a l te am , must be ve rs e d in cu lt u ra l co m pete n cy.
This would be ben efi cia l fo r te st a d m in is tr a to rs of clin ic a l/ p sy ch olo gic a l te sts to un d ers ta n d an d esta b lis h a pro fe ssio n al r e la tio nsh ip .
It would als o help wit h acc u ra te ad m in is tr a tio n an d re su lt s th at would p ro vid e in fo rm atio n on tr e atm en t an d ad m is sio ns to in -p atie n t or ou t-p atie n t fa cilit ie s.
W ould yo u ag re e?
R esp o nse 2:
Aft e r re ad in g more ab out Chie f Bro m den an d ge ttin g to kn ow his ca se I b elie ve th e th re e clin ic a l in str u m en ts th at sh ould be use d to asse ss his men ta l sta te is th e M in neso ta Mult ip h asic Pers o nalit y In ve n to ry -2 Restr u ctu re d Fo rm (M MPI- 2 -R F), p ro je ctiv e te sts , an d clin ic a l in te rv ie w s an d beh av io ra l ob se rv atio ns.
The MMPI- 2 -R F als o k n ow n as th e Min neso ta Mult ip h asic Pers o nalit y In ve n to ry -2 Restr u ctu re d Fo rm is a to ol t h at psy ch olo gis tic use to asse ss in d iv id uals ’ pers o nalit y tr a it , em otio n al wellb ein g, an d p sy ch opath olo gy (S ch m id tk e , 2020).
I belie ve th is te st would ben efi t fo r Chie f Bro m den as i t will giv e a bette r und ers ta n d in g to why he str u gg le s wit h se e in g re alit y .
The nex t te st I t h in k th at would ben efi t th is ca se is a pro je ctiv e te st lik e th e Rors c h ach In kb lo t te st, th is t e st allo w s in d iv id uals to sh ow th eir th o ugh ts an d fe e lin gs un co nsc io usly ( S ch m id tk e ,2 020).
Wit h th is ca se se ein g how Chie f has a tr a u m atic past th e te st mig h t s h ow so m e deep er fe ars an d em otio ns he str u ggle s wit h th at he would n’t norm ally be c o m fo rta b le ex p re ssin g or ta lk in g ab ou t.
Lastly , I th in k clin ic a l in te rv ie w s an d watc h in g his b eh av io r will work fo r th is ca se .
When usin g an in te rv ie w , th e psy ch olo gic will be ab le to t r u ly asse ss Chie f an d ge t to kn ow his back gro un d an d watc h how he beh av io rs th at ca n h elp ev alu ate how he does und er str e ss an d wit h oth er peo ple .
As th e only psy ch olo gis t b ein g Anglo it pre se n ts so m e so cia l ju stic e an d eth ic a l ch alle n ge s while asse s a nativ e A m eric a n .
So m e of th e ch alle n ge th at are pre se n te d are cu lt u ra l bia s as th e psy ch olo gis t n eed s to be aw are of Chie fs cu lt u ra l dif fe re n ce s th at will aff e ct his re su lt s an d no rm s th at m ig h t be dif fe re n t fr o m oth er cu lt u re s (S h ep eris et al., 2020).
Als o , th e ch alle n ge of past t r a u m a th at nativ e Am eric a n s hav e wit h men ta l healt h ca re sy ste m s so th is mig h t tr ig ge r p ast tr a u m a an d ca u se s ch ie f not to tr u st th e psy ch olo gis t.
I still do belie ve th at wit h th e c a se of Chie f Bro m den th at usin g th e in str u m en ts MMPI- 2 -R F, pro je ctiv e te st an d clin ic a l i n te rv ie w s th at will giv e th e psy ch olo gis t a bette r in sig h t to help him