Download CRJU3610_Problem Set_3Please answer all questions on the problem set or on additional paper if needed. You must show all of your work to receive full credit for your answers.For any math prob

Statistical Analysis in Criminal Justice Problem Set # 3 – Due 11:59pm



In these problems, you will:

  • Calculate measures of central tendency by hand and in Excel

  • Generate graphs and tables that reflect variables

  • Decide what measures of central tendency should be used based on the variable of interest


Please answer the following on this page or on additional paper if needed. You must show all of your work to receive full credit for your answers.

  • For any math problem, your final answer must be enclosed in a box.

  • For any excel problem, follow the directions and upload with problem set

  • Your homework must be completed independently, or it is considered academic dishonesty


1. You are conducting a study examining whether states in the South have greater crime rates than states not in the South. What is the independent variable? What is the dependent variable?

2. You believe that cities with larger populations will have a greater number of homeless people than smaller cities. What is the independent variable? What is the dependent variable? What is the unit of analysis?

3. If you have a variable measured at the nominal level, what measure of central tendency would you calculate and why?

4. You are interested in knowing what the average number of infractions (write-ups) an inmate has in Georgia. You take a sample and examine their arrest records. You find the following number of prior arrests:

1, 5, 8, 12, 4, 0, 3, 6, 15, 0, 11, 8, 3, 12, 15, 10, 11, 4, 8

Based on these responses:

a. What is your variable that you are measuring? What level of measurement is this variable?

b. Calculate the mode, median, and mean (by hand).

c. Calculate the mode, median, and mean in Excel. Save this workbook and upload with your HW. (use a blank, new workbook and input the data). You should include either excel functions that you used with the appropriate values labelled (e.g., label the Mean next to the value) or the output produced by using the data analysis tookpak.

d. Using excel, produce a meaningful chart or graph to display this variable. Make sure to include all the relevant parts of your chart! Make sure your chart or graph is in the Workbook on the page where you performed part c.

e. What is the shape of your distribution? How did you determine its shape? Which measure of central tendency should you rely on for this variable and why?

6. Pick a variable from the dataset Excel Data for Class (not used in vidoes as an example for charts/graphs) and create a pie chart that represents the distribution for that variable. Be sure to pick a variable that would best be represented by a pie chart. Cut and paste the pie chart into your Workbook you created in problem 5. (make sure it has all its important components!)

7. Calculate the mean, median, and mode from the following frequency distribution:

Number of Times Skipped School past 30 days










