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Planetary formation involves the attraction of gases that collapse to give birth to gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn.
Gas giants, primarily composed of hydrogen and helium, retain their gases due to their size, while smaller planets like Uranus and Neptune only retain their rocky cores.
The inner planets, closer to the sun, are rocky and metallic in composition.
During their formation, planets experienced violent collisions as their orbits intersected.
Mars, Venus, and Mercury survived these collisions, while others merged or were ejected.
The Moon formed from debris ejected during a collision with Earth, stabilizing its axis and slowing its rotation.
The Earth's crust formed about 60 years after the Moon's formation, through impacts and differentiation of materials.
Impact heat and radioactive decay contributed to Earth's initial melting, with heavier elements sinking to form the core.
Silicate elements remained on the surface, forming the mantle.
Magma solidified to form the Earth's crust, which is divided into plates.
Movement of these plates is driven by the convective currents in the mantle.
Electric currents generated by these movements induce Earth's magnetic field, protecting it from solar wind.
The magnetic shield maintains Earth's atmosphere by deflecting harmful ionized particles.
Oceans began forming around 4.4 billion years ago as the Earth cooled.
Volcanic activity released gases and water vapor, eventually leading to the condensation of water vapor into rain.
The accumulation of rainwater formed the early oceans, covering the Earth's surface.
This process created a fertile landscape with mountains, craters, and volcanoes.
The formation of oceans contributed to the stabilization of Earth's climate.
Early Earth's atmosphere underwent significant changes as oceans formed.
The formation of oceans marked a crucial step in Earth's evolution, providing a habitat for early life forms.