Assessment Description As we learn about the culture of others, we must first understand the culture of self. The process of developing our own self-awareness is key to our becoming competent clinical
CNL-509 Topic 1 Exploring Your Culture
Directions: To get the most benefit, please complete both parts of this document after you have finished this week’s required reading.
Part A: Exploration
Who took care of you when your mother or caregiver had to go out? At what age were you left alone? At what age were children in your family given responsibility to care for the other kids in the family? At what age were you allowed to baby-sit with younger siblings or other children? (25-35 words)
What form of discipline or punishment did your family use most often? Did this form of discipline affect how you felt about your parents? How so? What kinds of discipline or punishment would your parents not use because they felt it was harmful to you? (45-60 words)
How did your family have different expectations for different children in the family? Older (or younger) children? Boys and girls? (25-35 words)
Who made what kinds of decisions in your family? Which were made by your mother, your father, or other family members? How were joint decisions made? What influence was there from extended family, grandparents, or others living in the home? What decisions were children permitted to make for themselves? (45-60 words)
Who did your family turn to for help and support in times of need or trouble? How did you help yourselves? How did you turn to immediate, close, or extended family and friends? What church groups or community resources gave help and support? How did you turn to "professional" helpers (the plumber, the electrician, a counselor, the bank)? (60-100 words)
What were your family's values and beliefs about the following: (75-125 words)
Respecting your elders
Sex and/or pregnancy outside of marriage
People who did not work regular jobs
Formal education
Talking to people outside the family about family matters
The major life goals your family had for you
Which of your family's values and patterns of behavior do you still adhere to and which have you changed? (25-35 words)
Part B: Reflection
After completing Part A, write a 250-500-word reflection that discuses in general what you learned about your own cultural development and the concept of culture.
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