No AI tools at all..answer in your own words. at least 75 words unless noted.


  1. Ecology

  • In your opinion, what have we learned about ecological succession and disturbance that can be used to manage forests and other natural areas in a sustainable manner? Are there ways to mimic nature? Feel free to do additional research on this topic. For inspiration, please view the following video from the Vermont Land Trust.

  In order to access the following resource, click the link below.

Vermont Land Trust. (2020, December 30). Ecological forest management in action: Creating a disturbance to mimic nature [Video]. cielo24. 

  • Response to Michael

As humans continue to develop and alter ecosystems for our own benefit of houses, shopping centers, etc... Humans have to end up playing a factor in nature to continue letting those areas flourish. Ecological Succession can easily occur by humans bringing invasive species, planting foreign plants, trees, or seeds. This succession can alter ecosystems by introducing foreign animals, plants, microorganisms, etc... while possibly killing current species in that ecosystem. On the other side of this if an area was to be dying off (for whatever reason) the introduction of new species may benefit the area and give it the ability to still flourish. Disturbance can be done naturally or man made (which occurs quite often). A great example of man made disturbance is the use of burning off undergrowth of certain ecosystems in order for different species to continue growth and the prevention of bigger wildfires. A lot of disturbances that are found naturally can be hard to replicate on a man made level although there are plenty of human made disturbances, urbanization, logging, pollution etc... Overall ecological succession and man made disturbances can highly benefit an ecological system when done in the right way to benefit the system.


Hi, I'm Ethan Tapper, the Chittenden County Forester and we're out here at the Andrews Community Forest in Richmond.

Andrews Community Forest is a 428 acre town owned property, acquired by the town in 2018 and conserved by the Vermont Land Trust, with the help from the Vermont Housing Conservation Board.

And so what we're doing out here right now is demonstrating forest management done well, and trying to do it in this really open and transparent and inclusive way.

So the work that we're doing is unusual in a couple of different ways.

One way is that we're doing what's called ecological forest management.

So we're trying to manage our forests to be more like old growth forests, and to manage them based on forests natural disturbance dynamics.

The way that they change and grow and develop over time.

The other thing that's unusual about it, is that we're trying to do this in a way that is really open, transparent and inclusive, that brings people in and shows them why this is something that we don't need to be afraid of, this is something we can be really proud of.

And so I'm standing here in what we call a group.

It's a small opening in the forest that we've created, that's supposed to simulate a small disturbance events.

So a little wind microburst, what happens when a bunch of trees fall over in a small area.

And as you can see, it looks really messy, just like it would look if a windstorm had come through here and blown all these trees over.

Now in ecological forest management messiness is not something that we wanna do away with, it's actually something that we wanna encourage.

So instead of simplicity in uniformity, we wanna encourage irregularity and messiness and what I would call weirdness.

Leaving individual trees to grow as long as they wanna grow, leaving deadwood on the ground, creating pockets of trees of all different shapes and sizes.

This is a way that we increase the wildlife habitat benefits of the work that we're doing, the resilience of our forests, the health of our forests, and help them be more like old growth forests.

  1. Macroeconomics

  • What is the major business in your area? What is the market structure within which that business operates? What are the characteristics of the market structure? Does the government intervene in that market? Explain.

  • Response to John

In my area the biggest town is about 20 KM. In this town there are several major businesses. I will focus on in regarding this discussion board. in comparison to Walmart. This gives the business a market structure of Oligopoly market structure where every store distributes similar items.

The characteristics of this market structure are many but I will talk about the top 5 characteristics.

  1. Interdependence: Is the concept that the actions of one firm that can have an effect on the actions and performance of other firms in the same market.

  2. High barriers to entry: If a new company wants to enter this market will be very difficult as the other companies have been in this market and are self established.

  3. Product differentiation: Process used by businesses to distinguish a product or services from other similar ones that are available in the market.

  4. Price setters: This is set by a model called Bertrand-Edgeworth that takes the homogeneous products where there is a limited to the output of firms which are willing and able to sell at a particular price.

  5. Uncertainty: Every major business that are in this type of market have the uncertainty how each other will react.

Government intervention:

The government in France can intervene an any market structures by influencing competition, controlling the prices, and regulating the industries. This is rare for the French government to intervene in the market structures. The government have set the minimum wage that is required to be paid. There are several regulations that keep the industries set rules but there are also other regulations within the specific field.

  1. Healthcare Statistics

  • Death rates are important for monitoring trend data within the population and within healthcare organizations (HCOs). Do you think that monitoring of death rates is important in today's society with all of the changes in medicine and medical care? Why, or why not?

  • Response to Hannah

Yes, monitoring death rates is still incredibly important in today’s society, even with the advancements in medicine and healthcare. While improvements in medical care have certainly contributed to a decline in mortality for many conditions, death rates provide essential insights into a variety of public health issues that are still very relevant. death rates can help identify emerging health threats or patterns, such as the rise of chronic diseases.

  1. Healthcare Management

  • Many compliance standards are aimed at the privacy and security of sensitive information. Outline a recent breach in information at a healthcare facility. What information was comprised? How did the organization work to correct the issue? In your opinion, could this event have been prevented? In response to your classmates, discuss additional ways the event could have been avoided. 

  • Response to Kelly

In October 2024, Allegheny Health Network (AHN), a leading healthcare provider in Pennsylvania, faced a data breach that affected the personal and health information of around 430,000 individuals. The breach was identified in November 2024, and the compromised data contained was sensitive patient information. The details of the breach revealed that the unauthorized access involved patient names, dates of birth, social security numbers, medical record numbers, health insurance information, and clinical treatment data. This incident occurred due to unapproved access to AHN’s systems, which could potentially endanger the affected individuals, making them susceptible to identity theft or fraud.

AHN quickly investigated the breach, stopped all unauthorized access, informed the affected individuals, and collaborated with cybersecurity specialists to manage the situation and improve security protocols to prevent future occurrences. They provided complimentary credit monitoring and identity theft protection to individuals affected and focused on enhancing their security protocols to avert future breaches.

The AHN breach might have been avoided with improved security protocols. This encompasses enhanced access controls to restrict who can access sensitive information, consistent system oversight to detect problems promptly, and staff training to identify security risks such as phishing. Maintaining current software and encrypting sensitive information would have additionally hindered hackers from accessing patient data. Although no system is entirely secure, these measures would have lessened the likelihood of the breach occurring. 

  1. Business

  • In order to maintain an effective workforce, human resources managers must make sure employees feel valued at the companies for which they work. Thinking about companies you have worked for in the past or that you work for currently, describe what made or does make you feel like a valuable part of the team. What are some ways that your company can improve in this area?

  • Response to Chase

My current human resources department does a pretty good job of making us feel valued and appreciated. As far as recruitment and hiring, we have an employee referral program. This program allows us to refer someone and if this person gets hired and becomes permanent, we are given a $500 bonus. My company also has a college re-imbursement program. As long as your degree pertains to the chemical industry I work in, the company will pay for it. This incentivizes employees to continue to progress and learn. My human resources department is also active in inquiring about workplace morale. We are routinely sent surveys and once a month management has a meeting with us to discuss any issues or concerns, we may have.

My critique of my company would be its training department. It's mostly focused on paperwork and making sure employees are doing their computer-based training programs. I think the training department would be more beneficial if they were more hands on. The two training coordinators at my site have very little work experience in the job tasks we perform. All of our real training is done on the job. I do agree that on the job training is important but since we have a training department it would be nice to utilize it to its fullest potential.

  1. Org. Communication

  • Dove has continued its social media public relations (PR) campaign on beauty and self-esteem. In 2014, Meaghan Ramsey presented "Why Thinking You’re Ugly is Bad for You" at a TED Talks event.

In the TED Talk presentation, Ramsey does not mention Dove. Without focusing on the organization in the speech, why would this be a good PR event for Dove? What does it achieve for the organization? Why do you think Ramsey, who is the Global Director of the Dove Self-Esteem Project, chose this way to communicate with Dove's customers (and potential customers)? What are the advantages? What are the disadvantages? 

  • Response to Megan

Dove commercial in 2006 highlighted the impact of self-image on individual confidence and the economy and made a powerful global statement. The 1.35-minute video further revolutionized the beauty image and their beauty campaign starting in 2004. YouTube is a large public relations tool, and Dove was very mindful of the shareable impact a video can provide. Society is more drawn to a short, engaging video than lengthy reference-based content, and Dove leveraged this shareable format effectively.

Do you use products by Dove, or just disregard company values? Do you love the product so much you would promote it, or are you satisfied with buying a bottle of body wash on Friday?

Ramsey’s TED Talk was a great public relations opportunity for Dove because it reinforces her personal beliefs and teaches others how they can reach out to a public audience for personal beliefs such as being selfless. This approach broadened the conversation to a global scale while staying true to Dove’s values of self-love and confidence.

A couple of advantages to her approach was giving her audience the ability to respond to an issue or give feedback without the pressure of buying a product. With nonexistent product promotion, it reinforced her values along with the promotion of the company’s values and mission which extended beyond profit. When you see a person cares beyond money in a company, it allows your consumers to build trust. However, with disadvantages, people are always questioning your beliefs whether they are in good faith or not. While I interpreted it as being selfless and realistic, I could see how many others could accuse Ramsey of making the statement just to gain profits without truly believing in her TED talk but rather a marketing scheme.

To make a global impact, one must care about more than personal gain. It’s about considering how our actions affect others and the world. Ramsey reinforces a selfless attitude by encouraging individuals and organizations to contribute to global change in meaningful ways.

  1. Critical Thinking

  • Consider the fallacies of relevance listed in Chapter 8 of our textbook. Think about a recent conversation or a recent news or magazine article you have read. Identify two fallacies of relevance you noticed in the conversation or article. You must list and discuss fallacies by name, as discussed in Chapter 8 of the textbook. Consider how you, personally, might avoid committing fallacies of relevance, and list two ways you can avoid them in the future. In your replies to students, note some polite ways to point out when someone commits a fallacy of relevance.

  • Respond to Carissa

Some polite ways to point out when someone commits a fallacy of relevance would be to say, “Can we focus on the actual issue at hand instead of my actions (or the person's) actions?” another way would be to say, “I hear what you’re saying, but how does that relate to the issue?” This turns it back on the other person to either explain it better or to move on, sticking to the facts. It keeps the conversation more productive and respectful.

  1. PSY

  • In this unit, you have learned about several factors related to human cognition. Choose something you have learned related to thinking, intelligence, or language, and teach your classmates what you have discovered.

  • Response to Andrew

As I read through the chapter, I found multiple sections I would like to discuss. The first subject that was interesting to learn about was intelligence. I was always under the impression it was a one-size-fits-all test to determine someone's intelligence. The triarchic theory of intelligence is that multiple categories can define intelligence. Not everyone is analytical, creative, and practical. One might be very practical like myself and assure us that we too can have a level of intelligence. The fact that there are many theories on evaluating IQ makes it hard to define, test, and assess for overall intelligence.

The Representativeness Heuristic is an interesting theory I have never considered. We often use the term stereotype and move on from there. When you read and learn more about the process and why it is used, you make decisions fast and take shortcuts to get the result; you never realize the potential consequence. The book references the fact it works well with plants and not so well with people. That makes me wonder how many decisions I have made in life using this theory that could have been wrong and manipulated by this theory. Can knowing this information make a person consciously aware and change the process for a different outcome?

Lastly, stereotype threat is close to home for me. I grew up in a trailer park, in poverty, and saw this firsthand with my siblings. They were always talking about how they would never be successful because they were "trailer trash."

By watching people except for their environment, learning more about the stereotype threat makes sense. It would be interesting to see if education can change the outcome for different groups of people.

  1. Critical thinking different answer #7

  • Consider the fallacies of relevance listed in Chapter 8 of our textbook. Think about a recent conversation or a recent news or magazine article you have read. Identify two fallacies of relevance you noticed in the conversation or article. You must list and discuss fallacies by name, as discussed in Chapter 8 of the textbook. Consider how you, personally, might avoid committing fallacies of relevance, and list two ways you can avoid them in the future. In your replies to students, note some polite ways to point out when someone commits a fallacy of relevance.

  • Respond to Travis

I recently read an article about the Kansas City Chiefs football team was continuously getting preferential treatment from the referees, thus helping them ein games in which they should lose. The author of the article was a buffalo bills fan and his team had just lost to the chiefs for the fourth consecutive time in the playoffs, his argument was complete fallacy of relevance because any real football fan or player knows that no game is decided on one call bu the officials, each team has 30 to 50 plays on offense and defense to settle the issue, it is crazy to think that a game is decided by one play that took place in the first quarter as the author would have the reader to believe. Another aspect of his article was an appeal to popularity for this argument about the Chiefs getting favorable calls that helped them win had gained widespread popularity during the past few weeks, it had been a topic of serious debate and discussion on sports talk radio shows as well as on tv, just about anyone who agreed with the sentiment tha the Chiefs are cheaters was automatically given huge favor. I am not a Chiefs fan but having played sports all my life and watched sports religiously I know that bad calls are made by the officials from time to time but to think that the outcome of an entire game is decided by one miscall os beyond ludacris.

  1. Management Info Systems

  • You are the owner of a discount furniture company that has expanded from a rural store in one state to 20 stores across the United States. Discuss at least one reason why your company should think about implementing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution. Discuss at least one challenge to implementing an ERP.

  • Response to Alison

As the owner of a rapidly expanding discount furniture company, implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution could indeed be a game-changer for business. I would consider implementation for significant improvement in operational efficiency and data management across the 20 stores. Because business has expanded from a single rural location to a multi-state operation, the complexity of managing inventory, sales, and financial data has increased exponentially. An ERP system would provide a centralized platform to integrate these critical business processes, offering real-time visibility into operations across all locations. This integration would enable more accurate inventory management, reducing the risk of stockouts or overstocking, which is crucial in the furniture retail sector where storage costs can be substantial. A unified ERP system would streamline the supply chain management, allowing for more efficient ordering and distribution processes. This could lead to reduced lead times, improved customer satisfaction, and potentially lower operational costs. The system would also provide comprehensive analytics and reporting capabilities, giving valuable insights into sales trends, profitability by location, and overall business performance. These data-driven insights would enable more informed strategic decisions, identify areas for improvement, and capitalize on growth opportunities across the expanding network of stores.

Implementing an ERP solution presents several significant challenges such as the substantial cost and resource allocation required, data integration and standardization, and employee resistance. With my focus in HR, I would identify employee resistance as a critical challenge. Employee resistance and training present a significant obstacle. With the staff being accustomed to existing processes, they may resist the change, and comprehensive training will be necessary to ensure smooth adoption across all locations. This resistance can slow down implementation and potentially impact short-term productivity.

ERP implementation could create a fear of job insecurity and a lack of understanding about the benefits of the new system. As the company has grown, employees may have developed localized, familiar ways of working. The introduction of an ERP system poses a significant change that could be perceived as a threat to their established roles and routines.

  1. Financial Management for Innovations Business Development

  • In this week’s discussion, utilizing the CSU Online Library, find a current article on financial ratios. Briefly summarize the article and its relevance to the entrepreneurship field, including the link to the article. Discuss one advantage and one disadvantage to using ratios in financial analysis. In the interest of a diverse discussion forum, do not bring forward an article already presented by a fellow student.

Your post should be at least 200 words, and you should respond to at least two of your classmates with substantive replies of at least 100 words per reply. This discussion board is your only assignment for this unit, so make sure that you take the time to analyze your findings and provide quality posts.

  • Response to David

Kappel, M. (2017, October 23). Financial ratios are how you know if what you're doing is working. Entrepreneur. (Updated link)

In the article, Mike Kappel highlights the critical role financial ratios play in assessing a business's performance. With over 30 years of entrepreneurial experience, Kappel reflects on his own journey, admitting that early in his career, he neglected tracking financial data, which led to costly mistakes. Over time, he learned the importance of using financial ratios to guide business decisions. The article breaks down two main types of ratios: profitability ratios and financial leverage ratios. Profitability ratios, such as the gross margin, net profit margin, and return on investment (ROI), help business owners assess their company's ability to generate income and manage expenses effectively. Financial leverage ratios, including the debt-to-asset ratio, debt-to-equity ratio, and interest coverage ratio, provide insight into how much debt a business is using to fund its operations and whether the business can comfortably meet its debt obligations.

The article is highly relevant to the entrepreneurship field because it provides practical tools for small business owners to make informed decisions about financial management. Financial ratios not only help entrepreneurs gauge their current business health but also serve as essential tools for securing financing and investments.

One significant advantage of using financial ratios is that they offer a clear, measurable way to track the performance of a business. This allows entrepreneurs to identify strengths and weaknesses in their operations and make data-driven decisions. On the other hand, a disadvantage is that ratios provide only a snapshot of a business's financial health at a given time, potentially overlooking future risks or unforeseen events that could affect long-term stability.