DEVELOPING A RESEARCH FRAMEWORK ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW The problem frame is the cornerstone or foundation upon which credible and robust research is built. It provides the significance and j
BUSI 710
Developing a Research Framework Template
Background of the ProblemProvide a one-half page overview of the context and background of the problem being researched in this study. This section has a clear statement demonstrating that the focus of the study is on a significant applied business problem that is worthy of study. There is a brief, well-articulated overview of highlights from the research literature that substantiates the context of the study by indicating a gap between the existing literature in the cognate field and effective business practice. Use only primary scholarly sources for this section published within five years.
Problem StatementThe problem statement should be clear and concise and presented in a single paragraph with less than 250 words. Only primary scholarly sources published within 5 years may be used in this section. The first sentence must begin with, “The general problem to be addressed is...”, and include consequences that arise from the problem, “... resulting in...”. The general problem sentence must be an overarching business problem that can be proven to exist based upon multiple current (last five years) sources from the literature. The consequences should provide a broad but clear statement regarding the negative outcomes that result from the existence of the general problem. Next, the researcher will provide current literature support for the assertions made in the general problem sentence from primary scholarly sources published within five years. The problem statement must end with, “The specific problem to be addressed is the potential... possibly resulting in…”. The specific problem sentence must be a narrowly focused subset of the general problem that is practical to study within the constraints of the program. It is important to note that the specific problem might not have been demonstrated to exist in the narrowly focused area. Using words like possible or potential in the specific problem sentence can help avoid bias.
Purpose Statement The purpose statement clearly describes the intent/focus of the study. Simply put, the purpose of the study is to extend the current body of knowledge to a specific context identified in the general and specific problems through answering the research questions. The research project will essentially fill a gap where knowledge is missing. The study must rest solidly on the foundation provided by the existing body of knowledge and be clearly connected to it.The purpose statement should be a single concise paragraph with less than 250 words and should include the specific design of study being conducted. The purpose statement should include descriptive words such as explore or understand for qualitative studies and evaluate or measure for quantitative studies. The purpose statement must begin with, “The purpose of this Design - Method is to...”.
Research QuestionsRQ1.
Discuss how taken together they completely address the specific problem being studied.
Discussion of Population/Sample
Describe the population of eligible participants. Discuss both the primary and secondary population being studied.
Leading Theory
The formal theory should be found in the peer-reviewed literature and are central to the research problem. After researching the literature, describe how the theory is related to the specific problem using peer-reviewed scholarly sources.
Research Approach/Design/Method
Identify your chosen approach, design, and method and provide a rationale for why it is the most appropriate design to address the problem statement. (e.g., quantitative/correlational/survey methodology for a multiple regression analysis; qualitative single case study utilizing semi-structured interviews and observation; mixed methods utilizing a quantitative survey data and case study semi-structured interviews for deep contextual data.)
Constructs (qualitative studies)/Variables (quantitative study)
The constructs (qualitative research) should be discovered through researching peer-reviewed literature regarding your specific problem. After reviewing the literature, describe how the construct is related to the specific problem using peer-reviewed scholarly sources. Identify research variables (quantitative research) and describe how they are related to the specific problem. Include the type for each variable (independent, dependent, mitigating).
Assumptions carry risk and the potential risk of each assumption to the study should be identified and supported by citations.
LimitationsLimitations also carry risk and the potential risk of each limitation to the study should be identified and supported by citations.
SummaryProvide a summary paragraph highlighting key information in this section.
Reference List