Week 8 Research Paper Topic: Since the biggest emerging threat appears to be cyber-terrorism, explain if you accept that the intelligence community is able to understand this threat and actually do


Title of Paper


American Public University System

INTL613: Intelligence and Homeland Security

Instructor Rank and Name

Month Day, Year

Title of Paper

In this section, write a very short introduction to the paper, just a paragraph or two and include your thesis statement. Regarding the content/subject knowledge and critical thinking skills, they will be evident in the outline, as well as the organization of ideals/format. The writing conventions will be throughout the paper and focuses on grammar and syntax, as well as APA formatting.

Main Topic One

Brief introduction.


Information – you can have as many subtopics as you need under a topic as long as there are at least two. If you do not have at least two subtopics, then you do not include any subtopic headings.



Main Topic Two

Brief introduction. You can have as many main topics as you need as long as there are at least two.


Information – you can have as many subtopics as you need under a topic as long as there are at least two. If you do not have at least two subtopics, then you do not include any subtopic headings.



Main Topic Three

Brief introduction. If you do not need a third main topic, then do not include one for the sake of having one.


Information – you can have as many subtopics as you need under a topic as long as there are at least two. If you do not have at least two subtopics, then you do not include any subtopic headings.



Additional Topics as Needed


Brief summary.


These are just samples for your viewing use.

Congressional Research Service (2021). The law of asylum procedure at the border: Statutes and agency implementation. Informing the legislative debates since 2014. https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R46755

Edwards, A. (2005). Human rights, refugees, and the right 'to enjoy' asylum. International Journal of Refugee Law17(2), 293-330. https://academic.oup.com/ijrl/article-abstract/17/2/293/1548262

Frelick, B (2021). How to make the U.S. asylum system efficient and fair. Human Rights Watch. https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/05/21/how-make-us-asylum-system-efficient-and-fair

Hatton, T. J. (2020). Asylum migration to the developed world: Persecution, incentives, and policy. Journal of Economic Perspectives34(1), 75-93. https://pubs.aeaweb.org/doi/ pdf/10.1257/jep.34.1.75

Hudak, J & Stenglein, C (2019). How states can improve America's immigration system. Brookings. https://www.brookings.edu/research/how-states-can-improve-americas-immigration-system/

Nalumango, K. (2019). Perceptions about the asylum-seeking process in the United States after 9/11 (Doctoral dissertation, Walden University). https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/cgi/ viewcontent.cgi?article=8128&context=dissertations

National Immigration Forum (2019). Fact sheet: U.S. asylum process. https://immigrationforum. org/article/fact-sheet-u-s-asylum-rocess/#:~text=The%20length%20of%20the%20