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  1. Ecology

The ecological services provided by conservation areas are diverse and sometimes not easily understood or appreciated by the general public, who may desire quantifiable, economic measures of their value. How would you persuade someone who believes that ecological services are unmeasurable and provide no value to human society that they are, in fact, valuable? For inspiration, check out this video on ecosystem services featuring the late E.O. Wilson, who, as you remember from Unit V, was a coauthor of the theory of island biogeography.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

  1. Microeconomics

Suppose a firm uses sugar in a product that you purchase. The firm vertically integrates by purchasing sugar farms that produce the sugar organically and in a way that makes it also sustainable for the environment. How would that influence your demand for that product? What other purpose than profitability might cause the firm to make this decision to vertically integrate in this way?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

  1. Business

In your final journal for this course, you will discuss entrepreneurship and organizational behavior. First, describe the characteristics of entrepreneurs and the entrepreneurial mindset. Next, define organizational behavior in your own words. Identify how a manager’s entrepreneurial mindset and knowledge of organizational behavior can lead to an organization’s success. Discuss the effects of organizational behavior on employees and organizations.

Your journal should consist of a minimum of four well-constructed paragraphs. Sources used, if any, should be listed and formatted in APA.

  1. Organizational Communication

For this journal, you will outline the process for proposing a communication strategy that fosters change and innovation in an organization.

Address the following questions when outlining the process:

Explain the context in which an issue occurs within an organization.

Develop a solution that will solve the organizational issue and meet the needs of the people involved. Consider how social media can be leveraged to improve organizational public relations.

Include a potential audience analysis. Use Neal’s (2020) communications questions, which are listed below.

What am I trying to achieve?

How will my audience react to what I am trying to achieve?

Will my message be resisted?

What do I know about my audience that will help me tailor my message?

Identify a channel to gain feedback.

Your journal should consist of a minimum of 3 well-constructed paragraphs. Sources used, if any, should be listed and formatted in APA.