Scenario You are an HR consultant, contracted by the VP of an LLC in Wilmington, Delaware, to solve their internal challenges. This U.S. office is a branch of a larger Singaporean software solutions o
MBA 687: Employee Engagement Surveys
Response Rate
The survey response rate is the first indication of the level of employee engagement
in any organization. Of the 140 employees invited to take the survey, 40 responded,
which is a response rate of 28.5%. As a rule, rates higher than 50% are best, while
rates lower than 40% may indicate trust problems within the organization, lack of
faith in leadership, and employees’ reluctance to engage in improvement efforts
until leadership demonstrates a clear commitment to change.
Company Data
1. Years of service with this organization
Less than 1 52.5% of respondents
1–2 27.5% of respondents
3–5 15% of respondents
6–10 2.5% of respondents
11–15 0
16+ 0
Prefer not to answer 2.5% of respondents
2. My race/ethnic identification
African American or Black 60% of respondents
Hispanic or Latino/a/x 12.5% of respondents
Anglo American or White 12.5% of respondents
Asian 5% of respondents
American Indian or Pacific Islander 0
Multiracial or Other 7.5% of respondents
Prefer not to answer 2.5% of respondents
3. I am currently in a supervisory role
Yes 7.5% of respondents
No 90% of respondents
Prefer not to answer 2.5% of respondents
4. I received a merit increase during the past two years
Yes 7.5% of respondents
No 90% of respondents
Prefer not to answer 2.5% of respondents
5. I received a promotion during the past two years
Yes 7.5% of respondents
No 90% of respondents
Prefer not to answer 2.5% of respondents
6. I plan to be working for this organization in one year
Yes 60% of respondents
No 12.5% of respondents
Prefer not to answer 27.5% of respondents
Employee Engagement Questions
Professional Development:
• In the last six months, my manager has talked to me about my progress, and
we developed goals to help me grow.
o 36% agreement
• I am satisfied with the on-the-job training I have received.
o 27% agreement
• There is adequate cross-training in my department.
o 36% agreement
Company Vision, Values, and Mission:
• I am familiar with the company’s vision and values.
o 26% agreement
• I have a clear understanding of the organization’s direction.
o 36% agreement
• The organization is changing for the better.
o 26% agreement
Teamwork or Workgroup:
• I receive the support I need from employees in my workgroup to do my job
o 89% agreement
• My coworkers make me feel that I am part of the team.
o 78% agreement
• I trust my coworkers.
o 83% agreement
• My workgroup cooperates to get the job done.
o 73% agreement
Senior Leader/Middle Manager:
• Senior leaders focus on creating a positive team atmosphere.
o 36% agreement
• Senior leaders are open, honest, and transparent.
o 36% agreement
• Senior leaders encourage and empower me to take initiative and suggest
o 26% agreement
• My middle manager is open, honest, and transparent.
o 70% agreement
• This company is a team-oriented organization.
o 36% agreement
• This company challenges the status quo and seeks continuous improvement.
o 18% agreement
• Employees have a strong sense of personal responsibility for the
performance of their department and the performance of the company.
o 80% agreement
• Overall, people care about my well-being at work.
o 34% agreement
Work Environment:
• I see the connection between the work I do and the benefits received by
o 65% agreement
• I have enough authority to make the decisions I need to make.
o 36% agreement
• I usually hear about important changes through management communication
rather than rumors.
o 36% agreement
• In my workgroup or team, my opinions count.
o 72% agreement