Assessment Description Analyze why many people are reluctant to discuss their true thoughts and feelings about race and ethnicity. Describe two dispositional values that can help the client/counselor

© 20 22 . Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Dispositional Values Dispositions are the values, commitments, and professional ethics that influence behaviors toward others, and, if sincerely held, dispositions lead to actions and patterns of professional conduct of school counselors in training (SCITs). The Grand Canyon University Counseling Program’s dispositions adhere to the University’s mission statement, as well as to the established counseling profession codes of ethics. Students who fail to adhere to or demonstrate such dispositio ns may be subject to referral to the Professional Practices Committee for developmental support or Code of Conduct for disciplinary action. SC Professional Dispositions of Learners • High Expectations: SCITs maintain the belief that all P -12 students can lea rn and succeed in their personal and academic endeavors. SCITs set and support realistic expectations for student success. • Respect for the Diversity of Others: SCITs support individual learning and social needs of P -12 students while demonstrating appreci ation for cultural diversity within the school environment and wider community. • Fairness: SCITs promote social justice and equity, maintain appropriate standards of confidentiality, and exercise fairness in all areas including counseling, instruction, and assessment. • Professional Conduct: SCITs demonstrate professionalism through mandatory attendance, promptness, and active participation to meet and exceed programmatic requirements. SCITs exercise sound judgment, ethical behavior, and maint ain professional boundaries with others. SCITs proactively practice self -care and are committed to mental health support to maintain psychological fitness. • Reflection: SCITs recognize that intentional self -awareness and constructive feedback, combined wi th experience leads to professional growth. SCITs engage in critical examination of their professional practices, and seek continual improvement through supervision, collaboration, and professional development. • Curiosity: SCITs are able to think innovativ ely and creatively, using critical thinking as a problem -solving approach. SCITs engage in ongoing professional development and learning while maintaining an open and inquiring mind. © 20 22 . Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. • Honesty: SCITs model sound moral character by their words and actions. SC ITs are forthright with others and uphold high standards of trust, stewardship, and integrity. • Compassion: SCITs demonstrate professional unconditional positive regard and genuineness in their relationships with others while providing academic, career, so cial, and emotional support. • Advocacy: SCITs aim to promote equity and access for all P -12 students. SCITs understand the impact of community involvement contributes to welfare and social justice for all school stakeholders. • Dedication: SCITs are committe d to the profession of counseling and education. SCITs maintain the role of lifelong learners who engage in ongoing professional development.