Tell Me Who You Are: Sharing Our Stories of Race, Culture & Identity” by Winona Guo and Priya Vulchi please right the essay on this topic as compare and contrast.
Your Socialization Story
This assignment is aimed at encouraging you, the student, to think about how your personal lives have been influenced by larger social structures and groups, particularly the ways in which you have been socialized. Rather than being specific to one’s family, gender, or education, this assignment is designed to consider a broad range of agents of socialization that have been prominent thus far in your lives. The aim here is to provide a structured way to apply course concepts to your lives, and in doing so, reflect on some of the agents of socialization.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Through writing about past and/or present agents of socialization in their lives, students will be able to examine and reflect on how structure constrains and enables their agency, in terms of how they were raised, the groups they are a part of, and the values and beliefs that guide their everyday lives.
Students will be able to correctly apply examples from their lives to key sociological concepts from across the course.
The purpose of this project is to reflect and apply what you are learning in this class to the real world. If you do not apply your learning to something relevant to you, you will easily forget it. The project is worth 100 points. The essay should be between 1000-1500 words, using 12 point font. This means you have to think carefully about yourself and find those aspects of your self that are most important.
In this project you will use the “sociological imagination” to reflect on some of the ways you have been socialized. As we studied in class, socialization is the process by which individuals internalize the values, beliefs, and norms of a given society and learn to function as members of that society. The question that you have to reflect on is has how race or culture or intersectionality impacted your life. (Read the introductory chapter of the book TMWYR).
Instructions: You have to choose ONE story from the book “Tell me who you are” that resonates most with you
Briefly summarize the story.
Consider comparing or contrasting these stories with your own life story. How are they same, how are they different and how has how race or culture or intersectionality impacted your life.
Introduction of the topic
Content: Analyze the socialization process in the stories. Which agents were involved, which had the deepest effect. What are the norms, values, beliefs, forms of communication, sanctions that you see reflected in the stories. Make sure you clearly outline cultural concepts like, norms, traditions, beliefs, taboos, etc. This is an analytical paper – meaning you are analyzing the forces that moulded you, your personality, interests, likes and dislikes. Use the Sociological Imagination here to analyse your life choices.
Conclusion: Explain the ways your life choices were constrained and enabled by these agents of socialization, specifically how race or culture or intersectionality impacted your life. Consider answering the following:
What does it mean to look at your life through a sociological lens?
Does it change the way you look at how you were raised, or how you came to be involved with these groups?
In what ways to do you see the different agents of socialization interacting? For example, how do the institutions (such as family and school) interact to reinforce similar values/norms/beliefs? In what ways do institutions conflict and thereby promote opposing values/norms/beliefs?
Format and language
Cite your references using ASA style. Your list should be alphabetical.
Follow the format used for writing an essay. If the essay is one long paragraph, you will loose points for format. Use paragraphs, sub headings to mark news ideas or sections.
Use complete sentences, and good grammar.
Grading breakdown:
Neatness, proper grammar, and correct spellings are expected. If you have any doubt about your ability to produce a polished, error-free paper, please make appointments to visit the Writing Center well in advance of the paper due dates. Your essay should not be more than 3 pages
Final Paper 100 points
The following is a general rubric for how I assign grades:
A-range grades (90-100%) represent outstanding, excellent, or superior quality work on all criteria. The student has gone above and beyond what was required for the assignment, demonstrating thoughtfulness, attention to detail, and clear information. Assignments are well-written and polished.
B-range grades (80-89%) represent solid accomplishment and goodness. The work is above average and strong on most components. The student has gone beyond the minimum requirements of the assignment. Grades in this range typically lack the extra attention to detail that would boost it up to an A. B’s can also represent an excellent assignment that is missing something, or included minor incorrect information.
C-range grades (70-79%) represent satisfactory work. The student has successfully met the minimum requirements for the assignment. C’s can represent a very good assignment that is missing something minor, or included minor incorrect information. An assignment may receive a C if it is difficult to understand due to incorrect grammar and/or spelling, yet contain corrects information.
D-range grades (60-69%) represent work that is just passable. It is below average in quality or quantity. The student has not adequately met the minimum requirements of the assignment.
E-range grades (under 59%) are not passing grades. The work represents a lack of understanding of the topic, incomplete, or very poor work