do this assignment for me ,its for my philosophy ethics class
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Milestone Activity 2 (Writing Activity)
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InstructionsYou are a staff member in a busy medical facility that schedules minor surgeries and injections to patients with pain conditions. Your job is to meet them at the front desk, schedule them for surgeries, and check them in for their appointments. Your office has done much work to prevent the spread of Covid19, including adding plexiglass to your reception area, hand sanitizers to the entrance, a mandatory temperature check at the door, and a rack of free face masks for patients. Recently due to a federal mandate, the office has proclaimed that all staff and providers must demonstrate proof of vaccination in order to continue working there.
One of your co-workers is a virulent anti-vaccination activist. She tells you she absolutely refuses to vaccinate herself or her family. She has a life partner and five children under 12 all in the public school system. Since Covid19 started, her partner has been laid off and she is the sole provider for her family. She also discloses to you that she plans to forge her medical vaccination card in order to keep her job without vaccinating.
You, yourself, vaccinated after you experienced Covid19 yourself, and several people you know have lost loved ones to this disease. You also know that most of the patients you work with are immunocompromized, putting them at higher risk of death if they contract Covid19. A week after learning about your coworker's dishonesty, you are promoted to the role of office manager and it is your job to train the staff and ensure their compliance with the rules. As a middle manager, you report up to a practice manager, and you also oversee (supervise) a team of six front desk staff, including your coworker.
If you report her to upper management, she will likely be fired, which will impact her ability to supp0rt her family. At the same time, she is breaking a federal mandate and office policy for her personal beliefs and lying about it. This puts the entire office and your patients at risk if she should become infected with the virus and bring it to work. She could infect and even be indirectly responsible for the deaths of patients in your office.
What should you do? Be sure to refer to an ethical value system or approach and a philosopher associated with that approach to explain your perspective/response-- the value system could be one that you reject or that you embrace in helping you to explain your decision-making process. Please clearly cite your source using MLA or APA formatting style with an in-text citation and a bibliographical citation at the end of your submission.