Unit 5 Assignment: [STUDENT NAME HERE]

This is a template document for you to place your answers. Please review assignment instructions in Unit 5 thoroughly.

Part 1: Use the following resources to answer the questions. First, watch the video, then, look over the websites to help you answer the questions. 


Website 1:

Website 2 :,habitat%2C%20and%20strengthening%20our%20communities.

  1. What were two benefits of restoring native grasses/plants into the ecosystem at Selah Bamberger ranch?

  1. What impact has the restorative work had on wildlife?

  1. How does the work done at Selah Bamberger ranch affect water supply to surrounding areas?

  1. Besides the ecological and natural resource impacts, how does the conservation at Selah Bemberger ranch affect the surrounding communities and the people living there?

  1. What are important lessons learned in this video about how individual actions

impact long-term sustainability on a larger scale?

Part 2: Read through the provided report from 1999 titled, The Economic Benefits of Parks and Open Space: How Land Conservation Helps Communities Grow Smart and Protect the Bottom Line, you will read through and answer the following questions.

  1. According to the report, how does urban sprawl affect tax revenues and property taxes?

  1. In the early 1980’s, what did the government of Chattanooga, Tennessee work to do when faced with a deteriorating quality of life and fleeing residents?

  1. As a follow up from question 2, what resulted from the changes?

  2. According to the report, what are some benefits to preserving agricultural land? List at least 3.

  1. How does land conservation positively affect economies, society and the environmental health overall? List at least 5 different benefits

  1. Explain how environmental regulations in and around cities, or lack thereof, impact the people living there and the environment? Give an example and explain. There are a variety of examples in the report.

Part 3: Students will analyze a map showing a fictitious undeveloped area within a city and develop a growth plan that utilizes smart growth concepts.  Map is attached below.



  • List the features (minimum of 4) that you will include in the development of Area A

  • For each feature include the following information:

    • Type

    • Size or number and relative placement within Area A

    • Justification of how that feature encourages smart growth or is a part of the smart growth plan to work against urban sprawl

This activity may use a different grading rubric than what was used in past activities. Be sure to check the grading rubric before starting.

Please remember you should submit documents as JPG, PDF, RTF, PNG, DOC and DOCX only.  Other formats will not be accepted.  Incorrect submission formats could impact your grade