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This week, you are developing Chapter 1 of your Capstone Project. Complete and submit Capstone Chapter I: Introduction – Statement of the Problem, Purpose of the Study, Research Questions, Assumptions of the Study, Definition of Terms, Limitations of the Study, and Methodology and Summary (Note:  You must have a summary section for each section. See Examples provided for each week!)

Note: you will be using this example each week throughout the course!  (LO3) (LO4)

  • Paper on the Capstone project. Follow these steps in tackling this 4-page (minimum deliverable) paper: 1) Watch the video in the Week 2 Materials under "Paper - Capstone Project: Chapter 1." 2) Look at the Chapter 1 example as a model. 3) Read Chapter 4 in the text “Fundamentals of Business." Consider if there are any ethical concerns or potential challenges you can identify in your chosen company.

NOTE. chosen company IS (WORLD BANK). 

Essential Activities: 

  1. Reading the article, "AI Will Transform the Global Economy. Let’s Make Sure It Benefits Humanity." will assist you in writing your paper.

  2. Watching the video, "Leadership in the Age of AI" will assist you in writing your paper.

  3. Watching the video, "How to Write and Introduction Section" will assist you in writing your paper.

  4. Watching the video, "Writing in Third Person" will assist you in writing your paper.


  1. This paper must be formatted in APA Style 7th edition and include references.

  2. You must use the Capstone Template for this submission and be sure to follow directions for the section you are working on.

  3. Please refer to the written assignment rubric on the Start Here tab for this paper.

  4. The paper should have at least 4 pages of written material excluding the title and reference page.