Assignment objective: In this assignment, you will analyze a peer-reviewed psychology journal article that contains research examining the social psychology aspects of motivation and emotion. You will

Title of Your Paper

Student Name Here

Department of Psychology, Columbia Southern University

Course Code: Course Name

Professor Name

Due Date Written Out

Title of Your Paper

Introduction should be here. An introduction should let the reader know what will be covered from start to finish of the paper with an effective thesis statement. Should be at least 3-5 sentences.

Section Heading

Section headings should be the main idea of the section/ short version of the question, should be in bold and centered. Make sure you fully address the question in your answer and support your answers with citations. Each answer should be at least 3-5 sentences. More if necessary.

Section Heading

Section headings should be the main idea of the section/ short version of the question, should be in bold and centered. Make sure you fully address the question in your answer and support your answers with citations. Each answer should be at least 3-5 sentences. More if necessary.

Section Heading

Section headings should be the main idea of the section/ short version of the question, should be in bold and centered Make sure you fully address the question in your answer and support your answers with citations. Each answer should be at least 3-5 sentences. More if necessary.

Section Heading

Section headings should be the main idea of the section/ short version of the question, should be in bold and centered Make sure you fully address the question in your answer and support your answers with citations. Each answer should be at least 3-5 sentences. More if necessary.

Section Heading

Section headings should be the main idea of the section/ short version of the question, should be in bold and centered Make sure you fully address the question in your answer and support your answers with citations. Each answer should be at least 3-5 sentences. More if necessary.

Section Heading

Section headings should be the main idea of the section/ short version of the question, should be in bold and centered Make sure you fully address the question in your answer and support your answers with citations. Each answer should be at least 3-5 sentences. More if necessary.


Your conclusion should be a wrap up of what you covered in your paper and provide a culminating conclusive statement.

Word Count:
