Case Study of Successful PLCs Think of a PLC that you were involved in this past year. Use the PLC Case Study Scoring Guide (available in Files in the CANVAS classroom and below) to guide your reflect

EDL 791 Smith Spring 2016 CASE STUDY: PLC OBSERVATION PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITY ENVIR ONMENT: Expec tation: All members are present, on time , and involved in collaborative activities that are focused on student learning. MINIMAL: Room is not set up for collaborative activi ties and/ or members; although present, member /s tend to be withdrawn or disengage d from the group. BASIC : Room is set up for collaborative activities, and at least 50% of the members are eng aged in collaborative activities or involved in a PLC subgroup (a few teachers working together separate from the overall group but focused on specif ic tasks or discussion topics that will benefit the work of the overall group). PROFICIENT: Room is set up for collaborative activities, and at least 90% of the members are engaged in collaborative activities or involved in a PLC sub group. ADVANCED: Room is se t up for collaborative activities, and ALL members are engaged in collaborative activi ties or involved in a PLC subgroup. Expectation: PLC is led by a teacher leader who leads discussions and keeps the group focused. MINIMAL: There is no teacher leader in charge of the group. BASIC: A teacher leader is in place, but the leader does not adequately facilitate the meeting, and/or the meeting has little or no focus, and/or there is no set agenda. PROFICIENT: A teacher leader is in place who facilitates the meeting, but the meeting is unfocused, and/or there is no set agenda for the meeting. ADVANCED: A teacher leader facilitates the meeting, keeps the group focused, and has an established agenda for the meeting. PROFESSIO NAL LEARNING COMMUNITY DOCMENTATION: Expectation: A PLC notebook/binder is maintained by the PLC group which contains daily sign -in logs, weekly agendas, minutes from each week, and other PLC collaborative evidence. MINIMAL: A note book/binder is not present. BASIC: A notebook/binder is present, but it is not updated weekly and has missing components. PROFICIENT: A notebook/binder is present, has all components. However, the documentation is not up - to-date. ADVANCED: A notebook/binder is present, has all components, and everything is up -to-date. FOUR ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS EDL 791 Smith Spring 2016 LEARNING: What do we want student s to know and be able to do? Expectation : Reviewing data, curriculum -related decisions, research related to subject, instructional strategies, goal setting, collaborative planning Yes, what students need to LEARN and BE ABLE TO DO is the primary focus for the PLC meeting . Discuss evidence. Yes, although not the pr imary focus, what students need to LEARN and BE ABLE TO DO is a part of the collaborative activity or discussion. Discuss evidence. No evidence MEASUREMENT: How do we know if students understand and are able to meet the expecte d learning outcomes? Expectation: Analyzing test results, designing common and/or formative assessments YES, how student knowledge and skills are MEASURED is the primary focus for the PLC meeting. Discuss evidence. YES, alth ough not the primary focus, MEA SUREME NT is a part of the collaborative meeting's focus or discussion. Discuss evidence. NO evidence INTERVEN TION: What will we do if students already know the content (intended outcomes), do not know the content (intended outcomes) and/or cannot demonstrate knowledge of the content (intended outcomes)? Expectation: Analyzing assessment results and discussing/ identifying s pecific intervention strategies to address deficits YES, student INTERVENTIONS are the primary focus for the PLC meeting. YES, although not the primary focus, student INTERVENTIONS are a part of the collaborative meeting's focus or discussion. Dis cuss evidence. NO evidence ENRICHMENT: What will we do if students already know and have mastered the content (intended outcomes) ? Expectation: Identification of advanced learners, planning advanced/enrichment opportunities for advanced learners YES, student ENRICHMENT and/or ADVANCED opportunities are the primary focus for the PLC meeting. YES, although not the primary focus, ENR ICHMENT/ADVANCED opportunities are a part of the collaborative meeting's focus or discussion. NO EVIDENCE OVERALL RATING MINIMAL Group has many deficiencies. There is little evidence that the group is productive. BASIC Overall, the group is compliant, but consistency of practice is lacking. PROFICIENT Group meets expectations. As a group, they have moved beyond compliance. ADVANCED Group is a model for others to follow. The group exceeds expectations in all areas.