I have attached all the necessary files, but you only need to focus on Milestone Assessment 1. milestone assessment 1 is part of the final so you have to read the final for you to solve it . thanks

Milestone Assessment 1

Part of your final assessment is to create both a Bibliography and a Brochure (using one of the templates found in Word). All the Documents that you will turn in will have a unified topic.

Remember you will also be creating a bibliography. Keep a record of any sources you may use.

Remember this can be used for your final assessment so your presentation should be based on your unified topic. See the Final Assessment Instructions for requirements for the final.

What to include in your submission

Your assignment submission should include:

  1. Identify and explain your unified topic for the final assessment in a Word Document. Give a brief overview of why you are choosing this topic. This topic will be the same for all submissions ( Word, Excel, and PowerPoint)

  2. In a separate MS Word Document create a new file. Use one of the Brochure Templates (use one that is trifold).

    1. Fill out one section (one section of a trifold is equal to one-third of one page)

  3. Send me your Topic and Brochure documents as an attachment. The File Type must be: .DOC or .DOCX not at PDF

If you have questions please feel free to reach out.

Click here to view the Rubric for this Assignment

Milestone Assessment 1

Part of your final assessment is to create both a Bibliography and a Brochure (using one of the templates found in Word). All the Documents that you will turn in will have a unified topic.

Remember you will also be creating a bibliography. Keep a record of any sources you may use.

Remember this can be used for your final assessment so your presentation should be based on your unified topic. See the Final Assessment Instructions for requirements for the final.

What to include in your submission

Your assignment submission should include:

  1. Identify and explain your unified topic for the final assessment in a Word Document. Give a brief overview of why you are choosing this topic. This topic will be the same for all submissions ( Word, Excel, and PowerPoint)

  2. In a separate MS Word Document create a new file. Use one of the Brochure Templates (use one that is trifold).

    1. Fill out one section (one section of a trifold is equal to one-third of one page)

  3. Send me your Topic and Brochure documents as an attachment. The File Type must be: .DOC or .DOCX not at PDF

If you have questions please feel free to reach out.

Click here to view the Rubric for this Assignment