Solving Business Problems with Technology

Instructions Milestone 2 - Solving Business Problems with Technology

This milestone activity is a creative reflection activity meant to help you integrate the learning you have done in this module.

For this milestone, think of a problem you've either encountered personally or heard about in business that could be solved if the right information system/technology existed. Then, think of the fictional product that could solve it. Some examples are:

  • Automatic document workflows and processing for approvals and reviews

  • Automatic scheduling of meetings based on calendar availability

  • Automatic user account creation and permission granting for new employees

  • An application that aggregates employee pay information, HR information, timesheets, and benefits from several sources into a single dashboard

With this information, create an advertisement "pitching" your product. Your advertisement should include:

  • A product name (fictitious is fine)

  • A description of what your product does

  • A description of what problem your product addresses (does it save time? Money? Streamline a process?).

  • A description of the systems your product integrates with and how.

Your submission should be engaging and visually appealing. Lean on your learning thus far about hardware and software, as well as the discussion in this module about the purpose of information systems to help guide you.

Get creative with your advertisement -- provided it adequately covers the above requirements, it could be in any of the following forms:

  • A one-page flyer

  • A short commercial

  • A tri-fold brochure

  • A marketing email

Please ensure that regardless of what you choose, it is submitted in an accessible format (.docx, .HTML, .pptx, .mp4 are the acceptable formats).