The assignment will be on white collar fraud. one of the attachment is just a sample of how the other attachment should be done.
CRJ 475 Project Proposal Form
Spring 2025 – Professor James C. Brown
1. Your name:
2. Your major (CYB, CRJ, CIA, or FFCI):
3. I have read the project proposal sample provided in our classroom*: YES ____ NO ____
*This must be checked, yes. Review the full sample proposal before your final submission. Ask yourself this simple question; does my proposal look like the sample in terms of content/substance?
4. Executive Summary
Please provide a summary of the information detailed throughout this project proposal. What is the problem that you desire to study (summary), what is the purpose of your project (summary)?
5. Statement of Need
Discuss the needs or opportunities to be addressed by this project. Why is it necessary to know the information you propose to research?
6. Project Goals
Identify the goals of the project. Discuss what is to be achieved and the expected/desired outcomes of this project. Who would benefit from this study and how?
7. Constraints
Talk about constraints that could affect the development, implementation, and/or end outcomes of this project. Consider such factors as time, experience, knowledge, skill sets, budgetary resources, competitive environment, and existing investments.
8. Requirements
Given your operational context, describe what needs to be in place during the project and afterwards in order for the project to be successful. In your discussion, consider the constraints you identified above and, if necessary, define requirements to compensate for constraints.
9. Time Line
A. In order for this project to meet CRJ 475 requirements, satisfy the needs and opportunities outlined above, and achieve your stated project goals, what is the desired timeline for the project?
B. What do you think is the longevity or useful life of the solution?
10. Impact: Costs and Risks (to you and others)
Discuss the expected impact of the project and its expected outcomes. Provide detail on expected and potential costs and risks. If you believe there are none, explain why.
11. Impact: Benefits and Opportunities
Discuss the expected impact of the project and its expected outcomes. Provide detail and opportunities. Wherever possible, quantify the impact of the solution.
12. Project Fit
Discuss how this project fits within the goals of CRJ 475 and your major program of study (CYB, CRJ, CIA, or FFCI).
13. Evaluation and Measurement
Propose criteria that might be used in defining and evaluating the success of this project and its end outcomes. What measurement standards are available to determine if the project is a success and the impact of its end outcomes? What benchmarks can be set up to determine the short-term and long-term efficacy of the project? Consider in your discussion the goals, requirements, and impact defined above.
14. Potential Solution
At a high level, describe a potential solution that would satisfy the goals and requirements defined above.
15. Human Subjects Approval
Research conducted by Utica University faculty and staff must be pre-approved by Utica’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) when that research involves collection of data from living people. The IRB process requires a background experience in social science research methodology as well as time to complete the application process and gain IRB approval. Please review Utica’s IRB policy (click here), and confirm there that you will not be collecting data from (living) human subjects or going through the IRB. You should contact Professor Brown immediately if you have any plans to collect data/surveys etc. from human subjects.
16. Subject Matter Expert/Mentor
If applicable, describe your subject matter expert (SME) and what role that person expects to play in your project. If you are not taking advantage of an SME, explain why.
17. References
Identify—in full APA 7th bibliographic format—at least four scholarly/academic and/or professional/industry resources that are relevant to your proposed topic. If you are not able to identify these resources, you might not have an appropriate topic for the timeframe available.
18. Additional Information
Provide below any additional considerations or information in support of this proposal.
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December 25, 2024