MY COMMUNITY IN COLUMBIA, MARYLAND 21046 Preparing a Community Health Assessment [WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 1, 2] This week’s discussion is divided into two parts. Part I asks you to highlight your c

MY COMMUNITY IN COLUMBIA, MARYLAND  21046     Preparing a Community Health Assessment [WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 1, 2] This week’s discussion is divided into two parts. Part I asks you to highlight your c 1

Stakeholder Template

This document provides you with a template to build your found community stakeholders. The content displayed is for the community stakeholders of Hopkins Park, IL, and should be replaced with your own.

Title / Role

Community Activities Responsible For

Mark Hodge, Mayor of Hopkins Park, IL

13043 E 2260S Road

Pembroke Township, IL 60958


[email protected]

Works with community and county leaders to maintain, develop, and create resources for community residents in Hopkins Park.

John Bevis, Health Department Administrator

2390 W Station St

Kankakee, Illinois 60901


[email protected]

Works with state and federal health agencies to ensure that public health standards are being met and exceeded where possible.

Michael Downey, Sheriff, Kankakee County Sherrif Office

3000 S Justice Way

Kankakee, IL 60953


[email protected]

Works with the county and local law enforcement around Hopkins Park to provide EMS services for residents.

Anita Speckman, Head of City Council/Council Administrator

189 E Court Street, Suite 502

Kankakee, IL 60901


[email protected]

Distributes approved funding for community and county projects that may occur in and around Hopkins Park.

Lisa Ravesloot, Head of Chamber of Commerce

200 E. Court St., Suite 502

Kankakee, IL 60901


[email protected]

Works with business owners and community leaders within Hopkins Park and Pembroke to raise awareness for their business district and draw in new investors and renters.

John Shea, Jr., Parks and Recreation Director

1403 Sycamore Rd.

DeKalb, IL 60115


[email protected]

At the discretion of county managers, is in charge of building and maintaining parks and recreation spaces in and around Hopkins Park and Pembroke.

Chris Bohlen, School Board President

240 Warren Ave

Kankakee, IL 60901


[email protected]

In conjunction with the board, works to ensure the school district’s standardized curriculum is meeting the needs of the Department of Education as well as the residents of Hopkins Park and Pembroke.

Nicole Terrell-Smith, School District Superintendent

4120 S. Wheeler Road

Hopkins Park, IL 60944


[email protected]

Oversees the schools within Hopkins Park and Pembroke to ensure they are operating as intended. Regularly delegates tasks to school principals and sets community agenda items for teachers and staff.

Phillip Kambic, Hospital/Clinic CEO

3400 S Main St

Hopkins Park, IL 60944


[email protected] 

Operates the parent organization for the single clinic located within Hopkins Park. Ultimately, determines funding and the resources (staff and equipment) that will be available to residents.

Reynita Gomez, Local Business Owner

4046 S Main St

Hopkins Park, IL 60944


[email protected]

Owns and operates the only sit-down restaurant in Pembroke, IL.

Raymond MaGee, Local Business Owner

3807 S. Dickerson St

Pembroke Township, IL 60958-5048


[email protected]

Owns and operates the only financial advice office in Pembroke, IL.

Bill Groff, Local Business Owner

2598 S 14000 Rd E

Momence, IL 60954


[email protected]

Owns and operates a construction company within Hopkins Park, IL.

Amy Barron Smolinski, Lead of Community Organization

13130 East Central

Pembroke Township, Illinois 60958


[email protected]

Operates the local community library and is the lead of the “No More Dropouts” community campaign for the students of Hopkins Park and Pembroke.

Paulina Erices, Lead of Community Organization

4019 S Wheeler Rd

Pembroke Township, IL 60958


[email protected]

Operates the only senior center and Long-Term Care (LTC) facility. Frequently works with community members to organize fundraisers and meet and greets with senior residents of Pembroke, IL.

Esme Jae Goldhammer, Lead of Community Organization

15048 E 4500S Rd

Pembroke Township, IL 60958


[email protected]

Owns and operates an animal and produce farm just outside of Pembroke, IL. Leads the community coalition to expand green space and organic farming.

Sammie Rover II, Community Faith Leader

3960 S Main St

Pembroke Township, IL 60958


[email protected]

Serves as the pastor for the Christ Deliverance church in Pembroke, IL.

Felicia Tonga, Community Faith Leader

3015 S Main St

Pembroke Township, IL 60958


[email protected]

Serves as the Minister for the Adventist Church in Pembroke, IL.