
Something that is very special to me is a five crossed necklace. It is a very small plain necklace with four small crosses all connected to one center cross. As a junior in high school, I acquired this special object by participating in a retreat. This retreat wasn’t so much a religious retreat as much as it was a reflection if your life a look into the future. I bring this necklace with me every where I go. It serves as a constant remainder to keep on track and face the obstacles in life head on. College will be full of new experiences both bad and good and my cross will help me the entire way. There are many reasons why my cross is so special to me. As a junior I came to realize that the last two and a half years of high school that I went through were years that I would like to have back. I understand now that I did not live the first part of my high school the way I would have liked to. With that being said, I reevaluated morals, relationships, and other important things in life. I experienced a life changing moment that placed me back on the right track of life. Every time I see that cross it reminds me of that retreat and the promises I made myself. My life is back on the right path, my relationships with my friends and family are closer than ever, and my future itself is looking bright. I think this little symbolic necklace can help me through the toughest times ahead, and that is why this little crossed necklace is so very special to me in so very many ways.