Use an IDE to create an an application in c++ that does the following.

// Use of Classes and functions #include using namespace std; // Employee class definition class Employee { private:

string empName; string empAddress; string empEmail; int empVacationDays; public:

void setEmpName(string); string getEmpName(); void setEmpAddress(string); string getEmpAddress(); void setEmpEmail(string); string getEmpEmail(); void setEmpVacationDays(int); int getEmpVacationDays(); // Constructor Employee(); }; //definition of set/get member functions of Employee class void Employee::setEmpName(string name) { empName=name; } void Employee::setEmpAddress(string address) { empAddress=address; } void Employee::setEmpVacationDays(int vDays) { empVacationDays=vDays; } void Employee::setEmpEmail(string email) { empEmail=email; } string Employee::getEmpName() { return empName; } string Employee::getEmpAddress() { return empAddress; } string Employee::getEmpEmail() { return empEmail; } int Employee::getEmpVacationDays() { return empVacationDays; } Employee::Employee() { empName = ""; empAddress = ""; empEmail=""; empVacationDays = 0; } void displayMenu(Employee *emp) { cout << emp->getEmpName() << ", please select an action from the menu below" << endl; cout<<"My Menu"; cout<<"========" << endl; cout<<"1 - View My Address" << endl; cout<<"2 - View My Email Address" << endl; cout<<"3 - View Vacation Days Taken" << endl; cout<<"X - Exit " < void viewAddress(Employee *emp) { cout << "Name: " << emp->getEmpName() << endl; cout << "Address: " << emp->getEmpAddress() << endl; } // View email address for void viewEmail(Employee *emp) { cout << "Name: " << emp->getEmpName() << endl; cout << "Email Address: " << emp->getEmpEmail()<< endl; } // return vacation days taken for int vacationDays(Employee *emp) { return emp->getEmpVacationDays(); } int main(void) { // variable declaration section char selection = ' '; Employee employee1; //Initialize employee1 members employee1.setEmpName("John Smith"); employee1.setEmpAddress("1235 Main Street"); employee1.setEmpEmail("[email protected]"); employee1.setEmpVacationDays(12); //display employee name cout << "Hello "+ employee1.getEmpName() << endl; do { // display menu displayMenu(&employee1); // read user selection cin>>selection; switch(selection) { case '1':

cout<< "View My Address is selected" << endl; viewAddress(&employee1); break; case '2':

cout<< "View My Email Address is selected" << endl; viewEmail(&employee1); break; case '3':

cout<< "View Vacation Days Taken is selected" << endl; cout << "You have taken " << vacationDays(&employee1) << " days!!" << endl; break; case 'X' :

case 'x':

cout<<"Thank you!!!" << endl; break; // other than 1, 2, 3 and X...

default : cout<<"Invalid selection. Please try again"; // no break in the default case } cout<