Describe the difference and similarities between inside lobbying and Outside lobbying, assignment help

1.Describe the difference and similarities between inside lobbying and

outside lobbying. Discuss laws and regulations that apply to each. 200 words

2.How has the news media evolved from the nation’s founding to what it is today? Discuss the various functions the news media has in American society. How well do you feel the media carries out these functions?200 words

3.Discuss how the news audience has changed from the 1970s until now. Do you feel that Americans can still find unbiased news anywhere today? Why or why not? 200 words

4.Do you feel that special interest groups have too much power in politics today? Why or why not? Do you think we should allow these interest groups to continue to function as they currently do? Why or why not? What do you think would happen to our nation if we did not allow interest groups to continue to operate? 200 words

DB5.Some observers claim that partisanship in Congress has reached a level that is crippling the institution as an effective policymaking body. Party disputes on everything from healthcare to tax policy have produced legislative deadlock and delay. Do you share the view that excessive partisanship is warping the congressional process, or do you think members of Congress should stick to their partisan principles, whatever the consequences?