
Required Resources
Required Text

  1. Jaruszewicz, C. (2013). Curriculum and methods for early childhood educators. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

  1. Chapter 5: Curriculum as a Collaboration with Families and the Community

  2. Chapter 12: Evaluation and Assessment of Learning and Programs


  1. Ashford University. (2014). Hire a champ: Career and professional development center. Retrieved from https://careerservices.ashford.edu/OneFlow/WebEmployerlogin.aspx?NC=1

    • This resource from the Ashford University Career Resources Center provides students with support in planning for their careers. This resource will be helpful for completing the Week Three Assignment 1.

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  2. Ashford University. (n.d.). Roadmap to success: An interactive tool [PDF file]. Retrieved from https://bridgepoint.equella.ecollege.com/curriculum/file/7e83da23-2b5d-4d1d-ae49-e658f28f9a2a/1/Roadmap_to_Success.pdf

    • This resource from the Ashford University Career Resources Center provides an engaging tool to use for career planning and reflection. This resource will be helpful for completing the Week Three Assignment 1.

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  3. Dahlke, K., Sannwald, S., & Lastrella-Quicho G. (n.d.). Resources for developing an effective career plan [Webinar]. Retrieved from https://bpiedu.adobeconnect.com/_a1117185232/p8bxdwvd704/

    • This resource from the Ashford University Career Resources Center provides students with ideas and sources to support their career planning process. This resource will be helpful for completing the Week Three Assignment 1.

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  4. Vocaroo (http://www.vocaroo.com)

    • This technology is a way to create audio recordings without the need to install any software to your computer. Please review the Privacy Policy statements from Vocaroo. This software is requested for use in the Week Three Discussion 2.

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    •  Privacy Policy 


  1. NAEYC position statements and standards. (2009). Retrieved from http://www.naeyc.org/positionstatements

    • This resource provides several positions on issues related to early childhood education practice, policy, and professional development for which there are controversial or critical opinions.

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Recommended Resources

  1. [krhiby]. (2013, March  5). Vocaroo audio recording [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBUsOrAXcLw

    • This five-minute video tutorial teaches you how to use Vocaroo to create an audio recording. This software is requested for use in the Week Three Discussion 2.

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