Powershell configuration script


Scripts are set of commands and loops written to be repeatedly executed in respective intended computers. From Mark Lee assignment above, the installation of DFS, print server, fax and the web/ftp server will follow the following. The respective script has been accompanied by this document.


To run the scripts,windows powershell must be run in elevated mode and running of scripts allowed since its deactivated by default. The following command is used to activate running of the scripts

  • Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned


To install DFS client on all the servers ,Mark Lee has to log in to all of them as Domain Admin.

To check if DFS installed , the following commands are used.

  • Get-windowsFeatures –name fs

This command is used to install DFS if it is not installed.

  • Install-WindowFeature –Name Fs-DFS-Namespace,FS-DFS-Replication-IncludeManagementTools

The named dfs_config_script.ps1 accompanied by this document is used to configure all the servers with the following in all the twenty servers to work with Unix Clients.

  • Creating namespace,groupname,folders name,hub computer name

  • Setting Admin

  • Setting the server names in the namespace.


<#.PARAMETER GroupName

The name of the replication group to create.


The name of the replicated folder to create.

.PARAMETER HubComputerName

The name of the member computer to serve as the hub for a hub-and-spoke connection

topology. Do not specify this parameter (or use $null) for a full-mesh connection


.PARAMETER ComputerName

A list of computer names to add as members of the replication group.

.PARAMETER PrimaryComputerName

The name of the member computer to serve as the authoritative copy during initial


.PARAMETER ContentPath

The path that member computers will use for their local copy of the new replicated folder.

.PARAMETER StagingPathQuotaInMB

The maximum size in megabytes that the staging folder grows before purging oldest files.


param (

[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,

HelpMessage='Please specify a unique replication group name.')]



[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,

HelpMessage='Please specify a replicated folder name.')]



[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,

HelpMessage='Please specify a member computer name to act as the hub server.')]



[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,

HelpMessage='Please specify a list of member computer names.')]



[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,

HelpMessage='Please specify a member computer name to act as the primary member during initial replication.')]



[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,

HelpMessage='Please specify a content folder path.')]



[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,

HelpMessage='Please specify a maximum size in megabytes for the staging folder.')]




# Save error preference (in case of dot sourcing) then stop this script on the first error.

$prevErrorActionPreference = $ErrorActionPreference

$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

# Save progress preference (in case of dot sourcing) then suppress progress messages from the

# Test-DfsrInstalled workflow below because they are not helpful.

$prevProgressPreference = $ProgressPreference

$ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"

Try {

if ($HubComputerName) {

$allComputerNames = $ComputerName + $HubComputerName

} else {

$allComputerNames = $ComputerName


if (!$allComputerNames.Contains($PrimaryComputerName)) {

$allComputerNames = $allComputerNames + $PrimaryComputerName


# $allComputerNames now contains all DFSR member computers.

$spokeComputerNames = $ComputerName

if (!$spokeComputerNames.Contains($PrimaryComputerName) -and ($PrimaryComputerName -ne $HubComputerName)) {

$spokeComputerNames = $spokeComputerNames + $PrimaryComputerName


# $spokeComputerNames now contains all spoke member computers (only used if a hub-and-spoke

# connection topology is desired).

# Check that there are at least two member computers specified.

if ($allComputerNames.Count -lt 2) {

throw "At least two member computers must be specified for replication."


# Check that the DFSR PowerShell cmdlets are installed locally. Note the '*' at the end

# because otherwise it would return an error (and end the script due to the above changes to

# $ErrorActionPreference).

if (!(Get-Command "Get-DfsReplicationGroup*")) {

throw "Please install the DFSR PowerShell module on the local computer. For Windows Server 2012 R2 or later, use 'Install-WindowsFeature RSAT-DFS-Mgmt-Con'. For Windows 8.1 or later, download the RSAT package from the Microsoft Download Center."


# Verify that the DFSR PowerShell role is installed on each member computer. A PowerShell

# workflow allows foreach -parallel which checks each member in parallel.

workflow Test-DfsrInstalled {



.PARAMETER MemberComputerNames

A list of computer names to verify that the DFSR role is installed.


param (

[string[]] $MemberComputerNames


Write-Verbose "Testing if the DFSR role is installed on all member computers: $MemberComputerNames"

foreach -parallel ($memberComputer in $MemberComputerNames) {

$installed = Get-WindowsFeature FS-DFS-Replication -ComputerName $memberComputer

if ($installed.Installed) {

Write-Verbose "Verified that the DFSR role is installed on $memberComputer"

} else {

throw "Please install the DFSR role on the member computer named $memberComputer using 'Install-WindowsFeature FS-DFS-Replication -ComputerName $memberComputer'."




Test-DfsrInstalled $allComputerNames

# Create DFSR configuration Active Directory objects

# Create a new replication group

# ------------------------------

# A replication group's name is unique across the domain. It serves as the container for all

# other DFSR configuration objects in AD.

Write-Verbose "Creating a new replication group named '$GroupName'"

$rg = New-DfsReplicationGroup -GroupName $GroupName

Write-Output $rg

# Create a new replicated folder in the replication group

# -------------------------------------------------------

# A replicated folder's name is unique across the replication group. It serves as the

# container for the data that will be replicated.

Write-Verbose "Creating a new replicated folder named '$FolderName'"

$rf = New-DfsReplicatedFolder -GroupName $GroupName -FolderName $FolderName

Write-Output $rf

# Add members to the replication group

# ------------------------------------

# A member is a computer that is involved in a particular replication group. Note that this

# definition differs from the AD sense; an Active Directory domain controller can be a member

# of a replication group.

Write-Verbose "Adding the following member computers to the replication group named '$GroupName': $allComputerNames"

$members = Add-DfsrMember -GroupName $GroupName -ComputerName $allComputerNames

Write-Output $members

# Add connections to the replication group

# ----------------------------------------

# A connection allows replication between two members of a replication group. It is

# directional, meaning if an enabled connection from SRV01 to SRV02 exists, but not vice-versa,

# then changes made on SRV01 will be replicated to SRV02, but not the other way around. This

# usually is not an issue since the Add-DfsrConnection cmdlet adds two connections (one in

# each direction) by default. Each of the topologies demonstrated here add bidirectional

# connections, so it does not apply here, but it is an important consideration when creating

# custom topologies.

if ($HubComputerName) {

# A hub-and-spoke topology is where a hub member replicates with every other member in the

# replication group (the spoke members). It is useful when data is created on the hub

# member and is replicated out to spoke members. Although not shown here, this concept can

# be modified to use multiple hub members.

Write-Verbose "Configuring a hub-and-spoke connection topology"

foreach ($spokeComputerName in $spokeComputerNames) {

Write-Verbose "Adding bidirectional connections between the hub member computer named $HubComputer and the member computer named $spokeComputerName"

$connection = Add-DfsrConnection -GroupName $GroupName -SourceComputerName $HubComputerName -DestinationComputerName $spokeComputerName

Write-Output $connection


} else {

# A full-mesh topology is where all members replicate with every other member in the

# replication group. It is useful when there are ten or fewer members.

Write-Verbose "Configuring a full-mesh connection topology"

for ($i = 0 ; $i -lt $allComputerNames.Count ; $i++) {

for ($j = $i + 1 ; $j -lt $allComputerNames.Count ; $j++) {

Write-Verbose ("Adding bidirectional connections between the member computers named {0} and {1}" -f $allComputerNames[$i],$allComputerNames[$j])

$connection = Add-DfsrConnection -GroupName $GroupName -SourceComputerName $allComputerNames[$i] -DestinationComputerName $allComputerNames[$j]

Write-Output $connection




# Set the content path and staging quota on all memberships

# ---------------------------------------------------------

# A membership contains the member-specific settings for a replicated folder. When a

# replicated folder is created, or a member is added to a replication group, one membership is

# created on each member for each replicated folder. There is no need to add a membership

# explictly, and it cannot be removed by itself (it exists as long as the replicated folder and

# the member are a part of the replication group).


# The content path is the location of a member computer's local copy of a replicated folder.


# The staging quota is the maximum size that the staging folder grows before purging the oldest

# files. This purging is done according to the staging cleanup percentages in the service

# configuration settings (Get-DfsrServiceConfiguration). The recommended value for the staging

# quota for Windows Server 2012 R2 is 4 GB or the size of the 32 largest files in the

# replicated folder, whichever is larger.


# Some may prefer using PowerShell splatting to pass multiple arguments to Set-DfsrMembership.

# Instead, the simpler approach is used here for clarity. For those that wish to customize this

# script, the additional optional parameters to the Set-DfsrMembership cmdlet offer good

# opportunities for extending the functionality of this script, as well as the use of

# splatting.

if ($StagingPathQuotaInMB -gt 0) {

Write-Verbose "Setting the content path to '$ContentPath' and the staging path quota to $StagingPathQuotaInMB MB for the following member computers: $allComputerNames"

$memberships = Set-DfsrMembership -GroupName $GroupName -FolderName $FolderName -ComputerName $allComputerNames -ContentPath $ContentPath -StagingPathQuotaInMB $StagingPathQuotaInMB -Force

} else {

Write-Verbose "Setting the content path to '$ContentPath' for the following member computers: $allComputerNames"

$memberships = Set-DfsrMembership -GroupName $GroupName -FolderName $FolderName -ComputerName $allComputerNames -ContentPath $ContentPath -Force


Write-Output $memberships

# Set the primary member

# ----------------------

# The primary member has the authoritative copy of data in its content path. This means the

# primary computer's copy of the data in the replicated folder will win conflicts during

# initial sync.

Write-Verbose ("Setting the primary member to be the computer named {0}" -f $PrimaryComputerName)

$primaryMember = Set-DfsrMembership -GroupName $GroupName -FolderName $FolderName -ComputerName $PrimaryComputerName -PrimaryMember $true -Force

Write-Output $primaryMember

# Update the local copy of DFSR configuration on all members

# ----------------------------------------------------------

# DFSR AD configuration is cached on each member. The cmdlets invoked above only update the

# DFSR AD objects. To avoid waiting for an automatic refresh, this command forces one

# immediately on the member computers.

Write-Verbose "Updating AD configuration on member computers: $allComputerNames"

Update-DfsrConfigurationFromAD -ComputerName $allComputerNames

Write-Verbose "Configuration complete. Windows event 4104 will be written on each non-primary member computer when it completes initial sync."

} Finally {

$ErrorActionPreference = $prevErrorActionPreference

$ProgressPreference = $prevProgressPreference



To install a print server the following variables have to be configured

1.Printer ports in all the servers.

2. The printer device drivers should also be installed.

3. The printer device hardware should also be installed.

The script printer_config.ps1 accompanied by this document is used.


function CreatePrinter {

$server = $args[0]

$print = ([WMICLASS]"\\$server\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_Printer").createInstance()

$print.drivername = $args[1]

$print.PortName = $args[2]

$print.Shared = $true

$print.Sharename = $args[3]

$print.Location = $args[4]

$print.Comment = $args[5]

$print.DeviceID = $args[6]


function CreatePrinterPort {

$server = $args[0]

$port = ([WMICLASS]"\\$server\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_TCPIPPrinterPort").createInstance()

$port.Name= $args[1]



$port.HostAddress= $args[2]


CreatePrinterPort nrbnrw90z nrbp0105 nrbp0105

CreatePrinter nrbnrw90z "The name of the printer installed" nrbp0105 nrbp0105 TESTING TESTING nrbp0105


A fax server is installed and configured almost the same as the printer using the server roles installations. The PowerShell script is fax_config.ps1.


import-module servermanager

add-windowsfeature web-server -includeallsubfeature

import-module servermanager

add-windowsfeature Web-Server, Web-WebServer, Web-Security,



After installation of IIS .The following script is used to install the server to work with other server roles. The script set the domain name and other constraints used in the server.

The script accompanying this document is nfs_config.ps1.


# Script to setup NFS share on Server

$NFSFolder = “d:\shares\NFS1” # path to the folder to be shared via NFS

$NFSShare = “nfs1” # the share name you wich will be used

# End Data entry section

Import-Module ServerManager

Add-WindowsFeature FS-NFS-Service

Import-Module NFS

if (!(Test-Path $NFSFolder)) {New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $NFSFolder}

New-NfsShare -name $NFSShare -Path $NFSFolder

$ShareName = $env:COMPUTERNAME + “:/” + $NFSShare #server name configuration

Write-Output “NFS share has been created: $ShareName”