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Question 11 pts

  1. (Google Search and Filetype operator) Two future U.S. presidents signed this important historical document. Two presidents didn't because they were abroad. Despite the importance of this document, modern viewers seem to think it has a glaring spelling error. What document is it? To answer this question, locate a PDF of this document that is hosted on an official government website (ending in .gov) and submit that link as your answer to this question. 


Question 21 pts

  1. (Google Currency Converter with Time Range filter). If you arrived home from a trip on January 16th, 2017 with 200 South African rand, 250 Kuwaiti dinars and 50 Japanese yen, how much would you have in total in U.S. dollars?


Question 31 pts

  1. (Google "quote strings", Google Books) In which published book does the following word-for-word account of the funeral of a famous American appear?

"The American Dream died young and was laid to rest on a splendid afternoon in May 1862, when blooming apple trees heralded the arrival of spring. At three o'clock, a bell tolled forty-four times, once for each year of a life cut short. Dismissed from school, three hundred children marched to the funeral under the bright sun. Those with luck and pluck would grow up to transform American capitalism during the Gilded Age. But on this day the scent in the air was not wealth, but wildflowers. Violets dotted the grass outside the First Parish Church. The casket in the vestibule bore a wreath of andromeda and a blanket of flowers that perfumed the sanctuary with the sweetness of spring." 

ENTER TITLE (Ex: The Great Gatsby)

Question 41 pts

  1. (Google) Whose funeral was it?

      ENTER LAST NAME (Ex: Shakespeare)


Question 51 pts

  1. (Google Translate, Google Search) Können Sie die Bevölkerungsdichte im Dezember 2015 der größten Stadt in Deutschland finden? 


Question 61 pts

  1. (Google Search) Two famous founders of the disciplines of sociology and economics (both were German-born) held the position of "privatdozent" (lecturer) at the largest University in the city from the last question (today, it's called Humbolt). What is the last name of either one of these thinkers? 


Question 71 pts

  1. (Google NGram Viewer) There is a beautiful, rare English word that perfectly describes what students do at the end of lectures. The word is absquatulate.  According to the Google NGram project, WHEN is the first documented use of this exact spelling of this odd word in the current collection of all Google Books? That is, what was the first year with a non-zero appearance of this word?

ENTER YEAR (Ex: 1776)

Question 81 pts

  1. (Search Google Books within NGram Viewer) The very first appearance of this word in the nGram data is not available for vieiwing in Google Books. If you wanted to cite the earliest available publication containing this word that can be viewed in Google Books, what would an APA style in-text citation for this source look like? [HINT: you can provide any source from 1848 (or earlier)]
    ENTER IN-TEXT CITATION Ex: (Burke 1776)

Question 91 pts

  1. (Google Books and nGram Viewer) Is this word still in use? Use the date selection tool and sorting to find the most recent publication available in Google Books that contains this word. What is the title of this book or publication? 

NAME OF PUBLICATION (EX: Her Majesty's Royal Cat)

Question 101 pts

  1. (Google Trends) How often do other people search for the word "absquatulate" using Google? Use Google trends to determine how often this single word was a search query in Google. Restrict your search to only the United States and only the year 2016 (Jan 1-Dec 31, 2016). Then answer this question: in which U.S. state was this keyword searched for most often?