Follow the instrctions


Question 11 pts

What is the exact URL to the French blog piece that described the origins of the image?

ENTER EXACT URL (Ex: (Links to an external site.))

Question 21 pts

What is the full name of the person who created the image itself and shared it with the world?

ENTER FULL NAME (Ex: John Smith)

Question 31 pts

What was the date that this image was posted to the blog?
ENTER DATE (Ex: September 30, 2005)

Question 41 pts

What filetype was the image also available in on that site (program name or file extension is also fine)

ENTER FILETYPE (Ex: Adobe Illustrator File)

Question 51 pts

If you had a question about the image or the source of the quote, what contact information (social media usernames, email address, or a contact me link) is available on that page (LIST AT LEAST 2)?

ENTER CONTACT METHODS (Ex: Facebook and Instagram)

Question 61 pts

What is the full name of the person who is responsible for the quote (exact words) in the image?

ENTER FULL NAME: (Ex: Bill Rodriguez)

Question 71 pts

What was the title of the talk in which this quote appeared?

ENTER TITLE OF TALK (Ex: How to inspire people with images of quotations)

Question 81 pts

What was the date (month and year) that this conference occurred? (HINT: conference was named BDCONF – a search for BDCONF plus the speakers name is one of many ways to find this information)

ENTER DATE (Ex: July 2002)

Question 91 pts

Does the person who said this quote have a Twitter account? If yes, what is his Twitter handle (username)? If no, just put "no".

ENTER HANDLE or "NO" (Ex: @billrodrigueztweets)

Question 101 pts

Who is the celebrity to whom the ideas in this quote have been attributed?

ENTER NAME: (Ex: Sean Connery)
