AAS assignment: the film: my america or honk if you love buddha

Formal Outline Example1

Your name ________________________________ Due date of the assignment: _________________

Title(s) of the reading (identify both the specific Part, Chapter, and the author(s): ____________________________________________________________________________________

Thesis (in 1 sentence/the main argument/issue): Although these are difficult times to be raising teenagers, successful families are finding ways to cope with the challenges.

I.Meeting the challenge of spending quality time together

A. Barriers to spending quality time

1. Increased working hours

2. Rising divorce rates

3. Women in workforce

B. Danger of lack of quality time

C. Ways found to spend time together

1. Working less and scaling back lifestyle

2. Homeschooling

II. Meeting the challenge of creating sense of community

A. Lack of traditional community ties

B. Ways found to create sense of community

1. Intentional communities

2. Religious times

III. Meeting the challenge of limiting the negative impact of media and technology

A. Negative impact of media and technology

1. Creation of environment without protection

2. Flood of uncontrolled, inappropriate information

B. Ways of controlling media and technology

1. Banning TV

2. Using technology in beneficial ways

IV. Summary (Listing in words and phrases) all the major arguments/points




Conclusion (stating the main argument in 1 sentence; retain the thesis idea but in different words)

Questions [Provide 3 thought-provoking and important questions specifically relevant to the main issues of the reading for class discussion; not to be too broad/general or too narrow/specific]:




1 Suppose the topic of the article assigned to you for the presentation is: “How successfully families handle their kids.” Clearly, your “real” outline(s) has (have) to be much more detailed than this sample. Also, it is important that you paraphrase the issues, instead of copying the texts. The main, sub-, and sub-sub headings should in in words or phrases, not in full sentences. About the format, pay attention to the alphanumerical numbering and alignment.